Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Two Days of Vacation


We had two full days in the middle time. At the beginning and the end there were half days. On the two full days, schedules were planned for the maximum “fun”. Leroy and I just went a long with whatever the plan was. We were not particularly consulted as others took charge. Our main goal was enjoying the family time together.

People who know this spot as outdoor activities asked, “What did you do there in October?”

We were at a resort that had three large indoor water parks so that is where the majority of time was spent. Leroy and I also took some walks on the trails that were surrounding this place. The kids played sand volley ball as well as soccer. Each of the children’s family has at least one young member who is in a soccer learning experience. We were fortunate to have two very nice days, not hot, but wonderful fall weather that the sun quickly warmed.

Also at the resort was a rope climbing experience that our youngest was too short to do. Two of the others turned around after a bit as fear took the upper hand. They started above an arcade, so about the second story level and could go up to the next level. Sometimes there were wide wooden steps to use with ropes on the sides and sometimes not. All participants were in a harness so they could not fall to the floor below. However, I am not sure that all trusted the harness. A few places had only the tight rope to traverse. Some had well spaced steps, sometimes the steps were at angles. All proceeded with caution, as the predominate feeling was that it was a bit scary. Leroy commented that he did not realize that adults could do it, had he known he would have done so. I knew it, but did not venture out. Personally I thought it was a good challenge.

Most of our time was spent in the water getting wrinkled hands and feet. There were many slide possibilities. If you wished there was a hot tub in each park. Some slides were aimed at an older group and some were for the small ones.

As would be expected life guards were abundant. I even saw one in action as he dashed in to pull a small one out of the water when the adult with them was not watching them slip out of the raft and underwater. The world is full of good helpers.


Saturday, October 28, 2017

The Last Morning


Check out was at 11:30, but Miriam, who does not mind asking for anything because after all they might say yes, asked for a 1:00 check out time. As she expected it was granted. However, her family and Brian’s needed to leave by 12:15 so the Utah contingent could get on a plane in MN. That left Sarah’s family as well as Leroy and I to bring up the rear.

After the first group all left, Leroy and I went through the four bedrooms looking for abandoned items. We opened all drawers and found nothing except two books that I had brought. Sarah’s girls were happy to take those with them. After we got home, Andy emailed that he did not have the charger for his toothbrush. Unfortunately no one had looked in the bathroom that they had used.

We visited two of the water parks in the morning, two favorite ones. Leroy and Jen stayed back in the condo. I did not spend much time in the water, but went down one slide with Sarah. It required a raft on the downward trek. I was disgusted to realize that I still had my glasses on my face when I got to the top of the four or five sections of stairs. Andy gallantly volunteered to climb back for them later if I left them in a safe place. Because I had to climb barefoot and that bothers one of my feet, I let him assist me. It was a great ride down. When Andy came next he zipped right back up to fetch my vision.

Later Sarah, Natalie, and I were going to float on the lazy river. I was getting into a tube by myself when it flipped over and I went under water. I am not a swimmer. Even though it was only between two and three feet deep I felt some moments of panic as water went up my nose and I flailed a bit trying to think about what was up and what was down. What a relief when my face came above the surface and I could once more breathe as I am accustomed to do.

When we were gathering up our things, Miriam realized that she did not have her flip flops. She, Andy and I walked back to the other park talking about how she surely did not make that walk without something on her feet. As expected, her shoes were not there. Then Andy got the idea to look at some pictures that he had taken. Miriam did have her feet shod in the last park, so back again we went. No shoes were near the place we had deposited our things. After a bit of searching Miriam remembered that she had taken them off by another pool in this park. Sure enough there they were just waiting for her to rescue them.

Life is just full of such little all consuming incidents.


Friday, October 27, 2017

Tripping Backward


I have decided to talk about our trip in backwards order. Sunday on the trip home, which we took in a forward motion, we headed off to the cheese factory store which required going over some of the wonderful hills of Wisconsin. It reminded me a bit of the hills in my home area before roads were somewhat modernized. I suspect they were the prototype for roller coaster designers. When driving up to the crest I felt compelled to slow down at the top so I could see what was on the other side before zooming downhill. I do not really zoom, but gravity did a good job increasing sped on the downward side. When in Wisconsin I feel almost as if I am at home, possibly because we could see Wisconsin from the farm where I grew up. It all seemed beautiful and normal.

We did find the cheese store without difficulty. When I asked for schmeir brick they pointed me to aged brick. I suspect they no longer make that type. I know that last time I got some they told me that they could not ship it anywhere as everyone thought it was cheese gone over to the bad side and sent it back for a refund. We still bought the end of the aged block. Leroy and I both feel it is not quite as robust as we would like. It smells a bit, but not very much. The flavor is not quite as pungent as it could be. However, when I heated some on bread it released a nice fragrance.

We also bought cranberry chipotle cheddar that we both like. It drew my attention because the price had been reduced for quick sale making it half the cost of the other type. Even though it is a little dry it has a nice burst of flavor. Leroy is able to tell that we have added more fat to our diet. We could gain weight by the time this is all gone. However, that would be ok for me as some people think I am too thin.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Vacation Over


Leroy and I drove back to Iowa on Sunday. It was a great trip which I will talk more about later. The first day back to work was a bit challenging for both of us. Seems we need a day of rest from taking time off. I did get a flu shot Monday morning, so that may account for some of the tired feelings that are still a bit with me.

Yesterday morning at tai chi one of the other participants asked if my car was silver. At the affirmative response she said, “You have a flat tire.”

It was indeed flat. Flat enough that I wondered how I did not feel more wobble as I drove. I did notice many bumps, but thought nothing of it. After the class the leader helped me put air in at the station that was a half block away. How could I be so lucky? He could not see anything in the tire even when I rolled a little so he could see all of it. He put in an extra five pounds pressure and commented, “Since you got here on that you can probably get home without trouble.”

I headed off to cover the twelve miles with a fast beating heart, a resolve to learn how to do such air filling by myself, and a slow sped. Do you have any idea how many bumps the road has? Maybe your roads are smooth as silk, but mine is not, even though it is newly repaved. I could not stand it and decided I must not take the fast road. Besides not taking the fast road I had to stop and look at it. It looked fine. When Leroy came home I announced, “Because my commute is farther, I am taking the other car until this tire is checked.”

Leroy drove it without incident and the tire still looks quite inflated. Mysteries! I am grateful that I did not have the tire go in the middle of my trip, but when I was stopped and could do something about it. Blessings, blessings!


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Being with Family


Sometimes amazing things occur. Our grandchildren all have the same days off for fall break even though some are longer time off than others. They started school, depending on where they live, on August 1, late to the middle of August, or after Labor Day. I would never have guessed that this time off could be on the same days. I am excited to be seeing them. We will spend some long weekend time in Wisconsin at the Dells. Leroy and I are also going to visit the International Crane Foundation which is close. I have not heard from the children as to whether anyone will join us.

Leroy and I want to stop at a cheese factory on the way home to buy some schmeir brick which is a smelly cheese a little less potent than limburger. I just learned they would be open for the hours that we need. Also the cost of this cheese is 12.89/lb. I remember buying about a five pound block back in the old days, but I am not sure I want to get that much at that price. However we will get at least two pounds maybe three. I am salivating just thinking about it. This is a cheese my father particularly liked, although he liked limburger as well. So it is one of those childhood memory things. My children do not like this cheese; in fact I remember them telling me not to open the refrigerator if they had friends in the house because they could smell it. That was considered a highly embarrassing thing to have happen.

I know my brother would like some. I will have to see if we can make that connection on the way home. It is a bit out of our way, but all things are possible if there is a will to do it.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Sunday Again


Leroy worked at church again so he was there earlier than I went for choir practice. On the walk to church I was especially grateful for the jacket and gloves protecting me from the brisk breeze. We both stayed for the Sunday school program for adults. It was quite good. After that we started talking to someone and it was almost noon by the time we got home. After a quick lunch I did dishes while Leroy took a short nap. After that we delivered the last of the neighborhood newsletters. There was a little time after we were home to relax and read before heading off to a piano quartet concert.

Leroy slept some during the concert and I ignored him which took quite a lot of will power. Especially if his head starts bobbing, I am embarrassed even though it is not me sleeping. I thought the concert was quite good. I am pleased to live within walking distance of such opportunities. I managed to get 13,000 steps just by going to things that I wanted to attend. It almost feels like being in Slovakia where walking was the way to get from one point to another. I like and still miss that idea of walking as my main method of transportation.

After we came home from the concert, Leroy took another nap while I washed the tomatoes and peppers that we picked from the garden on the way home from church. Fall is coming, but these plants are still producing. What a blessing! I hope that others are using them too, but it is hard to say.

We ate an early supper before Leroy headed back to church for his Grief Share sessions. I washed dishes once more before I started a movie. I did not find the movie that good so I turned it off and realized that I had not written to you. So here I am spending time looking at this and that on the computer.


Saturday, October 14, 2017

Rainy Day


Leroy and I both have the day off. Early in the morning, he cleaned the hulls off some walnuts. Early was a good thing as rain started soon after that chore was finished. I drained water out of the bottom of plant pots in preparation to bring them inside for the winter. I am not sure why, but I am dragging my feet on this project this year. As it is those plants are sitting on the porch, hopefully out of the rain. I did pick out the leaves that had fallen in them as well as any bugs that I saw. I have a concoction that is to help get rid of any gnats on the top of the soil, but I wanted the plants to be a little drier before I do that.

Leroy did help me dig my amaryllis bulbs. He used a potato fork. In the past he has used a shovel and that fork was much better as it did not cut the roots. Those bulbs are resting in the garage. I like to have them be out of the dirt and gathering strength before I put them in pots. I am disgruntled with my jade plant. A neighbor has two big ones. He told me they have shallow roots so he keeps pebbles on top to hold them down. I tried that, but I might have to give it up as it is tipping over once again. Also I wonder if a squirrel ran over it as many leaves have broken off. Perhaps that contributed to the falling over condition.

Leroy and I did play games. Two out of three rounds of Boggle went to Leroy as did two out of three rounds of Rummikub. Usually I beat Leroy in Boggle, but those days must be gone. He is just getting too good.

He watched half of the movie Alexander. I watched some but did not get involved with it. Leroy than watched TV, but soon turned that off. What will we do when we retire? Sitting is just not our thing. We expect to volunteer, but there will surely be more time off than we have now.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Phone Number


On Saturday I answered the phone to an inquiry to speak to someone other than Leroy. I told them that it must be a wrong number. In a minuet they called back. Recognizing that voice, I took some time to ask what number they were calling. It was my number. The woman said that her phone company had just changed her number. Neither us had any idea why we had the same number, but all calls were coming to me. Maybe because I have had the number for a longer period of time?

Later I got a robot call from a drug store telling me that my prescription was ready to pick up. I just ignored that since I have no prescriptions out there. Later Leroy told me he also answered a call about that drug pick up. The next day I once again got that same call.

Today a different someone called and asked for a person with a name that I did not recognize. I told them they had a wrong number. Again it was not long before I received a second call. I inquired about what number they were trying to call, only to learn, as expected, that it was my number. This person told me he was trying to reach his brother. He apologized saying, “I will take care of it.”

I then told him, “When you make contact, please tell him that the drug store is trying to get a hold of them about picking up a prescription.”

Seems to me this person gets more calls than we do. It also makes me think about when we lived in Chariton. Leroy’s cell number was sold to another company. That time Leroy had to get a new number. His new number is associated with the Vermont area. Course, these days numbers do not show where everyone lives, as numbers can stay with people through many moves. Are we getting less tied to a place?


Sunday, October 8, 2017



Today was the CROP walk to raise money to help hunger people manage to find or grow some food. A larger number of walkers turned out from our church. There is something so positive in a group action for good in the world.

It was so good to have a day of calm breezes and plenty of sunshine. Leroy walked too so his day is a little crowded. He worked at both services this morning, rushed home, ate lunch, sat about ten minutes, drove to the walk start, walked, visited some, came home, took a nap, read a little, we will eat after that he goes back to church for a meeting there.

I on the other hand will watch a DVD tonight, and I had some time to write to you and well as work some Sudoku puzzles. How is that for a life of leisure?

Last night we watched a DVD that was a documentary about a more intimate and immediate type of assistance. The theme was the Kindertransports of Jewish children from Germany as well as other territories that Germany was enfolding. I learned that the USA, unfortunately, did not accept any of these children even when asked, however England took as many as they could get in before the borders closed. There was still some prejudice and unease in England especially if they were older children. They were afraid that they might be spies even though they would have been killed had they stayed home. The documentary was the stories told by the children, now adults as well as some of the people who took them into their homes. Many of the children stayed there for seven years or possibly longer as many of their parents did not survive the war. I am certainly glad that there are caring people all around the world who take the risk reaching out to those who need help of one type or another. Walking and giving money is really a very small thing to do, but at the moment it is what I am doing.


Friday, October 6, 2017



Invited to lunch at a home that is in a hilly area of CR with convoluted roads, I was quite concerned about finding my way by myself. Leroy graciously loaned me the GPS as he did not need it to go to his two work places. The car probably knows how to get to his work by its self.

 I made sure that I went down to the garage in plenty of time to key in the address before heading out. Of course, right away I chose a different route, because I wanted to turn left at a stop light rather than a stop sign. The GPS lady handled it well as she informed that she was recalculating. Once I turned off of the main drag that I knew about already, I vowed to listen and follow instructions closely. Almost right away I did not hear the commands when I turned because there was a garbage truck blocking the lane and oncoming cars made for a serious pay attention to road situation. As I drove along when that was in the past I kept hoping for more or repeat instructions, but nothing came. Since she did not say recalculating, it must be the way to go. About a mile down the road the GPS lady started talking to me once more telling me about a right turn in .6 of a mile. Little does she realize that I do not know how .6 of a mile feels. It was all good and I arrived at my destination early.

Luckily Leroy has this thing programmed to come to our neighborhood when we ask to go home. The only problem was that the lady told me to go left too close to a turn, besides I was going a little fast with cars snuggled too close behind me, to pretend to be a racer so I did miss one turn. However, I heard her say, without disgust or anger, “recalculating”. Soon I was in familiar territory where I could disregard her instructions blithely. Poor thing she had to recalculate at least three times.


Wednesday, October 4, 2017



I generally do not comment on events that are not in my immediate world, however after the recent mass shooting I do want to say that I am overwhelmed by the ability of people to kill other people. Somehow it seems that the USA has a huge slice of this characteristic. As no other developed country comes anywhere close to us. This is certainly not a point of pride. I am also bothered by the fact that we no longer even hear about all of the mass shootings perhaps because there are so many of them happening that we have become immune to all but the largest. I pray about such, but am almost at a loss as to what to pray for, certainly solutions would be good.

On another note I just received a call today that my last living aunt has died. I am truly now of the oldest generation in my family. How does one assume such a role? Seems to me it just happens. What is required? Now that is a more difficult question to answer. Also this week my cousin, one son of this same aunt has died. Now I have had several cousins die. The changes to life’s perspective are coming into view.


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Losing thoughts


Earlier, I had brilliant ideas about what to write to you, however now I am sitting here trying to dredge those ideas up from the recesses of my brain and they are nowhere to be found.

On the way home from church I realized that I had forgotten to take the Fitbit out of my pocket consequently it was hanging out quietly at home going nowhere. That is a bit annoying to me since I had just walked a mile to church and was going the mile home. Later in the afternoon at a concert that was about a half mile walk from home I realized that I had still forgotten to move the step tracker to my person. The one thing I can do is to record walks and it will add steps. The problem is, it is based on time and I do not have a solid idea of how much time I need to add to equal the steps that I usually acquire when going to church. At least now my total is not as dismal as it was before I made a guess about that.

I found the concert enjoyable. It was a faculty recital at the closest college. There were two singers, one pianist, and a guitarist. I am grateful to live so close to both colleges as there are many interesting things that we can attend, often free of charge which makes it sweeter. There are a lot of sports events, but I am not interested in going. I seem never to have become a sports spectator. It could still happen in this life, but I do not expect it. This afternoon there was a football game that we walked past as well as a softball game. I am sad to say that many more people were at the sporting events than the number at the music concert.

Leroy tells me today that my face is healing nicely from the surgery to remove the skin cancer. I can feel it easily, but to see it is another issue requiring a hand held mirror angled just the right way. I do not bother to do that very often. One thing about this spot, I got almost no sympathy because it is really hidden back by my hair and under my chin. Guess I am lucky indeed. Hidden is good.
