Friday, April 29, 2016



Hope lives on in my heart. Some days I have more hope than sense when it comes to hanging out clothes. The clothes are struggling to dry in the rather damp air. It is not raining but quite cloudy. I think about my mother who had no choice but to hang most of the clothes out because she had no mechanical dryer, just lots of clothes racks that could be filled and refilled. I grew up with a wood furnace so on wash days the furnace was fired up expecting to speed the drying job. Still some things went outside even on very cold days. Sheets went out, but mom would gather them in such a way that she could quickly flop them over the clothes line giving less time for her hands to be frozen. Daddy’s overall also almost always went on the outside line. I remember bringing them in able to stand up on their own with the frozen ice in their veins.

Someday I might look up instructions before struggling with a task. Today I bought myself a watch that has a date on it. It was on the 26 so I just twirled the stem many many times to get to today’s day.
After I did that I looked up instructions for a quick date set on the internet. I could have saved myself many twirls had I done that first.

I had hoped to ride my bike to work tomorrow, but given how close the weather forecast has been to reality, I will take the car. I even got gas this morning.

Someday I hope to be able to spell every word that I want to express. Actually I think that is perhaps hopeless. I did use the word perdition when I really meant prediction in my last letter. I do know how to spell that, but something must have flipped strangely in my brain for it to come out the way it did, or I clicked on the wrong word in the spell check and never looked at it again. I really was not thinking of hell when I wrote that. What I really hope for is an easy way to find the word that I cannot begin to start to spell so that the spell checker knows what I am aiming for. Now that would be a miracle indeed.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Brave Leroy


Leroy called our internet provider to find out if there were a way to lower our new bill. Course I told him, “I think we need to call them, but I do not want to do it.”

After a little more pushing from me, Leroy agreed to take on this task. I was happy because I just dislike making this type of call. He was happy to report that he not only got a deal we will be paying less this year than we did last year. Such a great guy is that Leroy, especially when he does things that I do not want to do.

After telling me the good news Leroy commented, “You should use the new knife sharpener. And check air in the car tires.”

I groaned. Then he added, “I could be hit by a car on the way to work, or have a heart attack, or die in some other way. You need to know how to do the things that I do.”

I agree with that, but I do not look forward to such a time, however knowing how to live all parts of my life would make the transition to singleness easier. Lately I have been taking care of much of our finances so Leroy could use a little experience in that territory. Passwords would be especially helpful for him to have.

Leroy rode his bike today in spite of the prediction of rain. The rain could stop by the time he is ready to come home. I am home so I said, “I can come get you if it is necessary.”

I hung out clothes hoping that the rain forecast starting at 11:00 would be accurate. Unfortunately it started at 9:00, fortunately I thought it was serious rain and brought the clothes in as it continued and became stronger. I hung those clothes on racks so I hung them twice. Do you think they feel well loved?


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

How can it be?


Sunday morning I walked into the kitchen to get breakfast started. About five minutes later I walked through the same doorway only to feel myself move through a thin cord that broke. “Oh no a spider’s newly spun thread.”

I immediately started brushing at my face where I had felt it glide past. There was no other discernible sensation, but I whapped at my hair, checked on my pj’s and felt creepy with a possible spider rider.

How could there be another spider in this house, I had gotten rid of two in days recently past. Was the word out among spiders that Paula does not clean as much or as well as she once did? It seems to me that spiders put in a bigger appearance in the fall rather than the spring. Is the whole world changing? How will I keep track of what is what?

We got the bill for our internet connection. It was about ten dollars higher than it had been in the past. I remember that when we lived in Chariton the company called one time and talked with Leroy. When Leroy was finished he said with a confused expression, “I am not sure, but it seems we will pay less and have a higher speed.”

That is exactly what happened, but why? We never did learn and we did not want to rattle any cages just in case they decided they had made a mistake.

I thought when I reached the great age of 68 life would hold no more mystery. It is so amazing that it just continues to happen.


Monday, April 25, 2016



Saturday Leroy and I went to the ballet for the first time since living in Bratislava, not that I went frequently while living there. As a resident of the country of Slovakia the arts were a bargain indeed. We miss that. It has perhaps spoiled us for the rest of our lives. The performance on Saturday was too shorter segments from Stravinsky. Leroy grappled with the story line and I just marveled at the strength and flexibility. Some yoga moves were executed at the extreme possible. I had a brief resolve to practice more and challenge myself. Not that I am going to do any of it while on tiptoes. Ouch! We saw and visited with several people in the audience. Guess Leroy and I should get out more.

One problem with that is that we would both like to have more time to ride bikes and we can’t do it all. So this morning I took some time and rode around Cedar Lake which makes a little less than five miles. Baby geese were a delight for the eye.

Yesterday we attended the college bell choir concert. This is just a half mile walk from our house so we both appreciate that. The concert was quite fine with one piece that involved only six students playing multiple bells which did not take so much strength as flexibility and speed of brain and hand. If I remember correctly, each player was responsible for six bells. On the walk home I was a little saddened to see that audiences were much large at the football field and softball fields. Why does watching sports top music? Is it because we are so locked into the idea of competition instead of cooperation, although sports teams do require a certain amount of cooperation within the team? Is it because beauty is not a goal of most of our population? Of course beauty is such a subjective standard.

At any rate Leroy and I enjoyed the performances.


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Tulips and Squirrels


A half eaten tulip bulb was lying on the ground close to the place where we planted tulips just recently. A small hole was also noted. I got out the hot pepper and sprinkled it around the entire new tulip area, hoping to keep the four legged critters from snacking. At the rental house down the street, squirrels must not have such a close relationship. Last year I planted a number of tulips there. They are starting to bloom and look quite fine. In the front of our house there are still only two tulips growing. I had very carefully put the best blubs here where I could see and enjoy them. If squirrels like hot peppers it will be a problem of attracting rather than discouraging.

The antics of the squirrels can be quite entertaining. The problem is how to help them know where they buried their walnuts. There are three walnut trees quite close so they should not have run out of the supply. Too bad they do not have a way of planting a flag for a quick reference.

I took some winter/walking onions to the neighborhood meeting. I was pleased that people took them almost immediately. I will have to announce that I could give away bulbs later or just plain bring them to a meeting when I have them in hand. I am happy to report that the squirrels ignore the onions.

Unfortunately I do think the squirrels like tomatoes. Or something takes bites out of them too. Good thing they are cute giving them at least some positive thoughts coming their way.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Questions before Marriage


Sunday at church I went to Sunday school which was held in the basement. It was cool down there. Before it started I got my jacket. Another woman who was also cool commented on it and added that premarital counseling should include discussion of what temperature is comfortable as there can be wide variations. Does that lead to thermostat wars in the home? Who gives in and why?

Leroy and I should have discussed water usage. No one knew it would be an issue. I should have had a hint when I visited Leroy’s home and his mother made the comment, “Some people do not pay the maximum for water, but we do so we can use as much as we want.”

I suspect she was making a hint because I was washing dishes and turned the water off between bouts of rinsing. What she did not know was that my sense of water usage was related to the cistern where it was a matter of running out rather than paying for it. We did have a well, but my parents loved the soft rain water so there was a strong dictum for not wasting water.

Leroy is not a big water waster, but he uses more than I. I do reprimand him from time to time when I forget that he has some rights too. At least here we do not have a bathtub and I do not have to witness the amount of water in there.

Another good talking point might be when is it time to go to bed and when time to get up? A part of that should be must this be done together? I always wanted to go to bed sooner than Leroy did, and get up sooner. He felt we should do this together. We worked that out with little problem. The interesting thing is that now he often gets up before I do. How did that happen?


Tuesday, April 19, 2016



Finally I bought a new knife sharpener. Many years ago I gave Leroy a nice whet stone. That seemed to work quite well for decades. Leroy does not know what has happened, but in recent months he seems to have lost the art of using the thing. I am totally mystified by that. After reading, from that great source of all wisdom the Internet, about knife sharpeners and the best ones, I finally decided what brand I would look for. I did find this brand at a local store, although it was not the best one listed on the company web site. I still was unsure about spending the money on something that I did not know how it works. Last week when I was in the store it was actually on sale, not a big sale, just five dollars off. I walked around the store talking to myself about the pros and cons of getting this piece of equipment. Such as I want sharper knives, it says “easy to use”, it would get used a lot, it is small so I could find a place to store it, and the clincher if Leroy were here he would already have put it in the cart.

Leroy was indeed happy to see it. He used it almost right away. Now every time I use my favorite knife I exclaim, “It cuts so well.” And mutter in my mind, “Why did I wait so long?”

I had bought a new bread knife the week before. It was marked down to half price, but was still a bit expensive for my cheap standard. I returned it only to see, resting on the shelf one lonely bread knife that was an additional half off the cost so I bought that knife. Each time we use it one of us is likely to comment, “It is amazing how much better and easier this cuts.”

Our old bread knife hardly had any serrated bit left and was an almost completely flat knife. Son Brian complained when he saw it.

We are a lot sharper in this house now. If we can just keep our wits about us all will be fine.


Monday, April 18, 2016



It was wonderful to see the flowers on the way to and from church. Our neighborhood is awash in color with some daffodils, a few tulips, and some hyacinth. Then there are the dandelions, violets, creeping charley, as well as two varieties I cannot name. It was beautiful. I like seeing all the violets as it transports me to my childhood with walks in the woods and the wildflowers. I am happy that many or perhaps most of my neighbors do not use weed killer. We are more organic and surprising in the spring. It will not be long and none of these flowers will be seen, but just have leaves blending in with the green grass.

We have two tulips blooming by the house. Yesterday Leroy and I planted 20 additional bulbs that had been left at church after Easter. The leaves appear stressed, but the bulbs still look good.  Hopefully the squirrels will not dig in those spots. I had planted a number of them last year, but I think the squirrel got them. That is the only thing I can think of since only two managed to put in an appearance. One of them is red and one is yellow. Hopefully they will thrive and multiply.

Yesterday Leroy and I had planned to go to a concert in the afternoon, but the call to stay home was too strong. Instead Leroy raked the back yard as lots of branches and pods had fallen there. He also cleaned out his shoe box (It used to be the kids toy box.) on the back porch. While he was doing that it was a natural segue into cleaning the back porch floor. I am pleased. It all looks so much better. He was so satisfied with a completed job that it almost gives the feeling of relaxing. So there is no sense of guilt for working on Sunday.

Each night we tell each other the best part of our day. Leroy had to list several of those jobs, even though we generally only talk about one thing; he was just too full of satisfaction to let the rest go unmentioned.


Friday, April 15, 2016

It is all Relative


Just last summer 73 degrees F. would have been quite a pleasant temperature. Today it seemed hot to me. I was delivering the neighborhood newsletters. I do a lot of hill work and step work. That adds to my body heat, plus I was wearing a long sleeved shirt topped by my heavier sunscreen shirt. The hat was not so warm, but I was sweating under it. Why I did not wear sandals instead of socks and shoes, I do not know. Other people were more sensibly dressed in short sleeves and shorts with sandals.

Our place is cool, I guess well insulated, so I thought I needed more covering outside. This morning, I took out a number of my house plants. In the almost 50 degrees I wondered if they would be too cold. They all look fine, course it is in the 70’s now.

I like my houseplants, but I am happy to get them out of the house for the summer. It frees up a lot of space making the room seem larger even though I will not really use that space. Each new season brings something that I look forward to and like. For instance by the time winter comes I am tired of hanging clothes outside, but in the spring it seems like a great journey into the fresh air and sunshine.

I will be at work tomorrow and Leroy will be home. Following my example he has created a job list. He even spent some time tonight getting ahead on that list. He started cleaning up the garage. He was quite disappointed because he cannot find one of his spades. Could I have put it in some strange place?

Leroy is planning to ride his bike the 12.5 miles one way to come see me. I would like to ride the bike to work, but not sure that I can manage that. We rode last night for just about six miles. I could tell it has been since October that my bottom has rested on the bike seat.


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Public


Heard the phrase “dealing with the public”? Ever wonder just who the public is? Seems to me it is always someone other than me and the person who is talking. Maybe it is just some nameless someone out there. Usually when this term is used, at least around me, there is a negative connation in the air.

The other day I was at the grocery store. While checking out I was visiting just a little with my helper. Somehow she mentioned that the store had changed policy and had gotten many new customers. Because they do not bag your groceries, many of these new customers, who did not know how the store worked, had been yelling at her and calling her rude along with other putdowns. Why does “the public” feel so entitled? Why does it appear that the person standing there can make a difference or has had anything to do with policy? “I want to tell them I am really a nice person,” she commented. “At least there are a lot of nice people who are very kind. So it all balances out.”

I was happy to hear that positive attitude. So the public can be good and bad. I have a new resolve to show the best side of myself when interacting with someone whose work day is spent dealing with the public. I would imagine it helps when the public knows the person who is there for their assistance. Must be that small town/farm girl in me that knew you could expect to be treated as you treat others. Workers were neighbors, acquaintances, or friends. Perhaps there is the feeling that you had better shape up or you would be talked about. Gossip, even though a negative, is perhaps an effective method of social control.


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Listening to the radio


I heard on the radio that pirates now attack computers demanding money from people/businesses before they can get back their data. Apparently it happens in the home area too. All I can think is that I must back up my stuff. One woman said that she left her flash drive in the computer so that was bad too. I would not do that, but it has been a long time since I backed up everything. I suppose it is now photos that are that more precious thing that could be locked down. If you get any emails with links do not follow them. I say that even as I think about how I pass on photos. A link is easy because you can do a large batch at once. The pirates are demanding thousands of dollars, although some have been able to bargain the amount down.

Who could have guessed that such a thing could happen? Pirates are on the seas. As was stated by an expert on these events, the internet is a very large place with lots of hiding places.

We have two large flash drives that will backup almost everything, but for some reason the one that is mine does not want to make a connection with the computer. The other works just fine. I will have to see if that talented Leroy can figure it out when he comes home, although I have a faint memory that I was the one who got it to work before hence it became mine. Grumble, grumble. I just now learned I was putting it in upside down! Can you imagine that? I will deal with that later as I need to go to work soon.

One positive thing for general people is that apparently they more frequently go after larger concerns, probably because they can get more money. Scams, pirates, identify theft, and what else? Good thing that I do not worry too much about those things. I guess they seem so remote. Or at least I worry about things I cannot control at all like why is Leroy so late?


Monday, April 11, 2016

A Tilt


I had a list of jobs to do this morning one of which was to check the bank statement. I found that and started checking only to notice that my last work check was not deposited. Panic, panic! I went over it all again looking for the hidden item. It was not to be found. I, who dislike making phone calls, had to take care of this. It must not be avoided. I called the bank listened, for some time, to the friendly voice assuring me that my call was important and please hold. Grateful for the speaker phone feature which allows me to do something else in the meantime. Finally I spoke with a live person. We talked about my problem for a while and then I realized with a jolt that we had put it in the savings rather than the checking account. Relief and embarrassment came and settled in for a little while. How could I forget that? Easy, apparently, as can be.

I should probably do more yoga in order to get my brain aligned as well as my body. Do you think it would work? Do any of those brain exercise work?

Leroy had a dilemma this morning of how heavy should his coat be when he would not need so much protection in the afternoon? He finally settled on wearing one crushable winter coat and putting a jacket in his bike bag. Those bags are well worth the investment as he packs his lunch and other items from time to time. People in insulated cars do not have to consider such tight arrangements of stuff. One way the weather affects people is that many seem to leave a lot of jackets here and there because they wore it when they came and did not need it at the time of leaving.


Sunday, April 10, 2016



Leroy and I thoroughly enjoyed our trip among the trees in spite of no leaves. I think I paid more attention to the bark and the shape of trees than I would have with leaves grabbing my attention. Just as with people, there was great growth variation. Some had small leaves already open or just ready to unfurl. Others had tight buds and others looked like leaves were not part of the plan. There were a few that had flower buds, but some of those were turning brown from the cold. We are ready to come back to this place. It would be great if it were a walk away. I suspect we would go there quite often. When in Burlington we walked daily in the park across the street. We both miss that. It was a wonderful start to our days.

This morning we carried umbrellas in a back pack. There were just a few drops before we got to church. It was a brisk walk encouraged by grumbling thunder from time to time. While we were at church it apparently rained and hailed, according to the weather watchers. On the way home we still had the umbrellas all wrapped up, but took them out about half way home. I am grateful to the inventor of umbrellas and then to have such nice fold up styles that can be easily carried in a bag are the best.

Leroy had a nursing home service this afternoon. Again he seems to have missed the rain so he will get a total of four miles walked today. The community garden looked wet and green in some places. There are some blooming flowers that we spot on our way to and from. Spring will be here soon. I am ready. I used some onions yesterday and expect to use some chives today. How nice it is to just go out and get them.


Saturday, April 9, 2016



The outdoors is waiting for me. I can feel it. I have not been out much because I have not been feeling well for about a week. I wonder if I have had a touch of the flu that the flu shot could not totally repel. At the moment I feel quite fine if a bit tired.

I, along with Leroy hung out sheets this morning. It was quite cold, but because of the help it did not seem to last very long. I have brought them in now and they have that great smell from flapping in the breeze and sunshine. I am looking forward to sticking my body between them tonight.

I am going to the arboretum this afternoon. Leroy tells me he wants to go with me, but he keeps coming up with reasons why I might be disappointed. “No leaves, little to see, and cold.” is his mantra.

I finally said, “I want to go, if you do not want to come that is fine. I will go alone.”

He assured me he wants to come so I am waiting for him to come home from his nursing home service.

I am pleased that the sun is still shining. I thought I could look at the buds, the odd animal and maybe a bird or two. Seems to me it should be a nice time to soak up the ambience. Leroy is home now so I must go greet nature.


Friday, April 8, 2016



Sometimes I pride myself on my organization, but usually something happens that lets me know I am not so much above average if at all. Today I was grocery shopping. I was out of quinoa and happy to find a box on the shelf that had a coupon for $2.00 off NOW. By the time I got to check out I had totally forgotten about that small attached coupon, consequently I did not get my money off. This store will be quite happy to give it to me when I return with the package and the receipt, but that means some attention to detail on my part. Do you think it will be done? Or will it take more than one trip?

We both like rice, but I read more and more about arsenic in rice so I am trying to reduce the amount that we eat by incorporating other grains. I also brought home barley, but forgot millet. Another day, another trip! We have eaten and liked faro, but I forgot to look for that. The list of forgotten is getting longer.

Leroy is more optimistic than I realize. He rode the bike today in spite of the cold. At noon when he went from one job to the other he rode in snow. Now the sun is shining. Hopefully that will be true when he comes home. He tells me he feels so much better when he spends time outdoors going to and from work.

I thought it would be nice to go to an arboretum tomorrow to see if anything is blooming, but wonder if it is a good idea. Perhaps we should just go anyway and hug a tree to give it encouragement. I have read in several places that time in nature is so beneficial to us. So the trees might give back as much as they get.

I am going to use some the winter onions that are growing around the house. It always is exciting to me to harvest those first foods from outdoors. Apparently just holding soil is good for our souls. I must get out more just getting my hands dirty.


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Easy Job


Last night one of the boys who frequents the library told me that he might like to be a librarian when he grows up. It looks like a nice easy job. He had a new book on hold, but I needed to cover it before I could let him take it home. “Can I watch you cover it?” he asked eagerly.

I let him watch by bringing things out for his view much of the time. In the midst of getting this done I probably helped three other patrons with this or that. He thought it all looked quite easy. If he only knew how much I struggle to get these covers on so they look decent. It is not my strong suit in life. I do not like to wrap presents either. I am happy to stick things in bags. It was a little insulting and complimenting to think that it looked easy.

My boss tells me that someone told her that she did not think the library jobs required much skill. This person thought they could teach someone to do it in two weeks. Both of us have our masters in library science. Not sure that it really needs a master’s degree, but it certainly needs more training than two weeks to do certain parts of the job. I believe you can, in one session, learn how to cover books, and many could do it with more skill than I possess. I do not see the cataloging coming together in quite such a short time. Also the more business parts of the job require more familiarity or training than two weeks. Then there are some people skills to master. To top it off one must be savvy about several types of technology. Admittedly a fair amount of that is learned on the job as it continually gets changed with updates.

It is an easy job in that a mere human being can do the job successfully. I suppose it is a bit overdone, but our staff of five has three library degrees. Because the other two are much younger and have younger degrees, I frequently bow to them.


Monday, April 4, 2016

Spring Cleaning


Yesterday was neighborhood clean up day. Students from Coe College and Mount Mercy got together along with neighbors to pick up trash in the boulevards. Work was also done on the community garden. Leroy participated, but I was not feeling well so I stayed home. Other years I have enjoyed doing this. Leroy even learned that one of our neighbors across the street has moved. She is still in the neighborhood, but farther away from us. I had noticed different people by her house, but thought it could be visitors. One thing about rental units no for sale sign goes up in the yard announcing new people will be coming.

In the garden they raked, shoveled up some areas, and planted. Three different types of onions went in as did some lettuce. Leroy tells me the oregano looks so large that we should divide it. The cilantro is also growing, but nothing needs to be done to that. The winter (or walking) onions are looking good. All from the gift of for four or five onions from my Ukraine neighbor in Chariton. I ate four and kept one for propagation. It has certainly been prolific. I was hoping the parsley would also come back, but we have not seen any of that yet. I am growing two celery plants in my house from stalks I purchased. They are looking good.

The other day I washed sheets, but resisted putting them out because there was mist in the air. Later the sun came out. I put on my coat, got the sheets in a basket but before I could pick it up I heard sleet against the window. I dutifully took off my coat, read a book, and took them out when the sun was once again shining. Flexibility is the best skill to acquire. Now if I can just remember that.


Saturday, April 2, 2016

Tablet Troubles


Last Wednesday I turned on my tablet only to see a message that the battery was low. I turned it off, plugged it in and left it alone for some repowering time. When I tried to turn it on again it flashed a logo at me and then the screen went black. Turning it off and trying again did not give any more positive results. Plugging it in and leaving it overnight conjured up that same black screen.

Now I am wondering: it is totally gone? Is it fixable? Could it need a new battery? Where does a battery go on this thing? Who/where could this be worked on? Should I just buy a new one as repair costs could be more expensive? Leroy turned it on only to get the same results that I had. I complained to my co-workers, neighbors, and random strangers. No, no random strangers, but I was thinking about it.

One person did mention that it could be just the cord as that is usually the first thing to go. The light had glowed, as it appeared to be charging. Wires break? I plugged it into a different outlet, made sure the connection was good, and left it over night. I was afraid to try it this morning, but Leroy charged ahead and it came right on. I suppose something might be broken in the cord and plugging it in a different way caused it to connect. Anyway I am happy to have it return with no expenditures except some anxious thoughts and fussing. Sometimes it seems many things in life are just a lot of fussing rather than real deals. The budget program works as well even though it had not worked for a couple weeks. As with many things regarding computers there is no easy explanation. I have learned to say that’s the way it goes and I am happy it goes.

Who knew ten years ago that tablet would refer to something other than a pad of paper?


Windy Day


Leroy and I did a bit of shopping this morning. One thing nice about shopping early on a windy Saturday, we have the stores to ourselves and the workers. At one point in the parking lot, while walking to the car, the wind was strong that it kicked up lots of stinging sand. Luckily we could turn our backs. Moving forward was quite difficult. I was grateful to remain standing. The report predicted wind gusts up to 50-55 mph. I do not know at what strength I lose the ability to move into the wind.

We also hung out dark clothing before we left. Leroy is preaching tonight and tomorrow so he wanted some clean clergy shirts. The wind was a great help drying them in just an hour and a half as well as sucking off any lint along with blowing out the wrinkles. There are some advantages to all of this power.

Now I am grateful to be inside in the warm protective walls that must be well insulated. The sun is wonderfully comforting streaming in the computer room window. Such a good life we have!

Leroy who had a touch of something is now feeling much more normal even though his head is still a bit full. He certainly is energetic. The plan this afternoon is to check out the garden and prepare for the community clean up tomorrow. Hopefully the wind will abate just a little by the time we get there. Later in the afternoon he will go to church as he likes to be there in plenty of time before the service. Should he allow more time to walk if the wind is still at high speed?

I will just stay home and go to church tomorrow. I do have book club. We have read a book that I do not recommend that anyone else read. I even wonder how this author ever had more than one book published. Who likes this verbiage anyway? How do they think?
