Monday, June 29, 2015

In the garden


I went to the community garden early this morning. Weeds pulled easily if a bit of mud was still attached to the roots. It was very satisfying until I disturbed an ant hill. Unfortunately I did not notice until I felt their bits on my feet and legs. I moved away from that area, but not before several of them had let me know about their displeasure or fear. I still feel the effects of those bits. I suppose I could put some medical thing on there, but I know it will quiet down soon.

I have so many chores that I want to do today before I go to work. I should have about another hour or two or maybe not. I might try to get even more done. I have hung out clothes and must bring them in before I leave. I also want to wash the bathroom sink because I washed off my hands and feet in there and it is scummy with the garden dirt and soap.

True confession, I did not finish my devotions and I would like to get back to them.  Prioritize! That is the key, but how to make myself do it?

Here are the pictures that we took on our recent trip. Many of them are wildflowers in Colorado Mountains.

This is other Utah hikes

The Colorado pictures

Hope you enjoy looking at some of them.


Sunday, June 28, 2015



We walked to church in a gentle rain. It helped that there was almost no wind. I stayed for an additional class, but Leroy headed on home because he had a nursing home service in the afternoon.

When I left church with my little umbrella up, but then lowered it because it was just a little mist. In time it became more serious rain and the umbrella went up. I had on my rain coat and sandals that are washable so I was ok. The rain came down harder and I started counting the blocks to my house hoping it would go quickly. In time it could be classified as a downpour. I think it bounced off the side walk up to the hem of my dress, or perhaps the wind had come up a little. My lower legs were quite wet when I got to the porch. I am so grateful for that porch where I can quickly duck inside without out fiddling with a key.

In the late afternoon we went to an organ concert. I walked the mile and a half while Leroy drove because he thought it might rain again. I wore my raincoat, but did not take an umbrella. As I was about half way there it sprinkled a little. I called Leroy to tell him the exact route I was walking in case I needed a ride. Then the rain stopped. It was also fine when we came out, but I still rode home with him.

Leroy and I also worked in the community garden early this morning. Consequently Leroy walked a bit more than five miles as he walked to the nursing home. I walked about four and a half. That does not count any walking we might have done just meandering from one spot to another. I figure it was a good day for moving the body.


Friday, June 26, 2015

On the road Home


Traveling was mostly uneventful for which we are grateful. We spotted at least three drivers who were weaving or changing speed quite a lot. When passing them we could see that they were using a phone or one even looked like a tablet. Certainly the road was not their primary focus. I do remember when we lived in western Iowa, one of the minister’s wives telling that her husband propped a book on the steering wheel as he was driving to Omaha. Times have not changed, but multiplied.

On our trip back and forth we like to keep track of all the different state license plates we see. This trip gave a total of 36 states whose names we could read before we got too far apart. There was one other state, but I have not bothered to look up the image online. People are indeed on the move in this country. Many of them on I80.

We have been home since Saturday. I find I am quite tired. It is worse than changing the time in the spring and the fall because we change it twice in just a couple weeks. My system does not like that. I even took an hour nap on Wednesday. That only happens a few times in a year.

There has been plenty of rain here. Our rain gauge had more than five inches in it. I have emptied it at least two more times since we have been back and there was more than an inch each time. It is indeed lush around here. I have been to the garden three times and pulled many weeds. The bonus is that they pull easily.

Our home garden is not full of gigantic plants as it was last year. We have picked a kohlrabi and will pick another tonight. I use the leaves too so not much is thrown away. I am also picking some of the winter onions around the house as they have grown too unwieldy to be cute.


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Back at Camp


Finishing the cave tour, it was well into the afternoon by the time we returned after catching our breath, eating a little snack, and refilling water bottles once more. Back at camp we adults declared it nap/rest time. Into the tent we all settled into or on our sleeping bags. I was surprised that Nora, who did not seem at all tired, fell asleep immediately. Leroy was next and Olivia followed when I told her to close her eyes. I felt tired, closed my eyes, but remained awake. Finally I just got up went outside and spent some time reading. Quiet reigned over the entire camp grounds.

Because of the mountains we had no cell phone service. It almost creates an uneasy feeling. Even though I do not use the phone so much, I like knowing it is possible. I could not call and tell anyone about the morning’s adventure.

Also because of the mountains the air was quite cool in the night and early morning. The first night Leroy slept facing me. I kept thinking there was a rather rhythmical cool breeze blowing. Late at night I realized it was Leroy breathing and the air cooled before it reached me. My face was cold. On the other side of me, Nora flipped her arm on me from time to time. Then there were the cars and motorcycles coming down the mountain after their weekend fun. I was amazed to still hear them at two in the morning. I also found that my hip hurt when I lay on my sides. I am not traditionally a back sleeper, but it worked when I got tired enough. The next night was much better. Leroy was facing the other direction, Nora was on the other side of me and sprawled the other way. Besides, at that point sleep was more urgent and won any battles. Also no one was leaving the mountain in the middle of the night so there was no traffic noise. I slept just fine.


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

In the cave and back down


We finally made it into the refreshing coolness of the cave. It is actually three caves that have been connected by man. They are all quite loaded with interesting formations. Timpanogos, Hanson’s, and I forgot the name of the third cave were well worth the hike. We were fortunate to get in at the last minute. Also we probably could have missed the appointed time at the top and gone on the next tour.  On a weekend that would not have been possible. We were grateful for the jackets in the 45 degree temperature. For some reason I was the only one who asked any questions. When I traveled with son-in-law Andy, he fired away with almost an overwhelming amount of questions.

There was one toilet close to the entrance of the cave. I had not needed to go on the way up, but was not sure I could make it down without a stop. Unfortunately the toilet was not in sight when we reconnected with the downward trail. Our granddaughters remembered where it was located. With a careful scan of the mountain I also could see the rock building. It was at least another five or ten minutes up a steep incline with a switchback. It was only when Nora declared that she also had to go that I agreed to do it. Leroy and Olivia just rested in the shade and waited for us.

Otherwise the downward trip was a breeze as gravity did most of the work. In fact it was difficult at some points not to lose control and just let gravity roll us down. My knees felt it a little but not much.

There were some beautiful wildflowers and floating birds of prey to enhance the view. So all in all it was a great trip. Our church is asking members to send back pictures of trips with flat Jesus. We left flat Jesus at home. Too much bother. Jesus in our hearts was much easier to deal with on this hike.


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Cave Trip Continued


The instructions were that the children should not get too far ahead of grandma and grandpa. That advice was mostly not needed. We all started off in good spirits and strode off with energy. It was not long before Olivia felt we needed a break. We paused momentarily and then went on. Each bench we saw called to her and we again stopped but it was harder to get moving after each stop. Finally after much urging, either Leroy or I started pulling her up the mountain. As I mentioned before we went up 1065 feet in a mile and a half. Some slopes were quite steep although always traversable with good gripping shoes. There was a warning sign for people who had heart issues or other health problems to consider going back. I felt somewhat tired, but not too much, however it would have been easier to just move myself. There were some places where rocks could fall. We had been told not to stop in those red and yellow marked spots so we moved as fast as we could while dragging another person. We were all grateful for the signs that indicated progress. I have to confess that at the half way point I was sure we were almost done. My heart did beat a little bit more, but it was hard to pin down the reason, altitude, heat, climb, or load exertion. Leroy and I also carried the water bottles and jackets in backpacks. At least the water bottles got lighter.

The path was wide enough for two, but I was happier on the way down the mountain when we could have the inside track closest to solid rock. About half way up a guide met us, stopped, and talked to us while standing about two inches from the edge. I really wanted to pull him closer, but refrained. Leroy commented later that he was also a bit nervous with where he was standing.

We made it to the top with just one minute to spare. I believe when we started the climb, the guides thought Leroy and I would have the harder time, little did they know.


Thursday, June 18, 2015

More mountain camping tales


Leroy and I had a pad about an inch thick under us for sleeping. It both provides some comfort and keeps away the cold. We did put some towels under the girls along with a couple sweat shirts and folded the end of the sleeping bags under them. That helped, but after sleeping the entire night, they said, “I was cold.” The next night we put the table cloth under them.  No one woke so I think they were ok even though they again claimed to be cold.

The toilets were a vault toilet, whatever that means besides not flushing, I am not sure. The real problem was that there was no drinking water because they were flushing the system. We had to go two miles away to get water. Not so impossible because we had a big jug with us. It meant we were very careful in our water usage.

We did a small bit of exploring close to the camp site in the evening and some in the morning. Water was the real reason we went to the cave tour place. The cave had been mentioned as a destination, but Olivia did not want to go. While there we urged her to reconsider. She seemed open to the idea so we checked on time. We could leave in ten minutes, but we did not have jackets or food with us. It was 10:30 and the 1 and ½ mile climb up 1065 feet plus the cave tour would take three hours. We asked about a later time. 11:00 was available so we hustled to get the tickets. Again we seniors saved money, $8.00. Racing back to the camp site I was grateful that Miriam had suggested we plan a no cook meal. Leroy and I are the masters at eating fast and we urged the girls to follow our lead. They did eat some in the car. Filled water bottles were essential equipment in the 80 degree heat. Sunscreen and hats also were necessary. We made it to the start of the orientation with five minutes to spare.


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A two night camping trip


We have returned from a two night camping trip. Over all it was enjoyed by all, but there were moments that were not so enjoyable. Is that life?

Miriam and Andy were astonished that we could cram so much stuff in the car and still get four people in there. It was not easy! They offered the use of their larger car, but we declined because we dislike borrowing a vehicle. The one big drawback was that it was hot. I suspect the air conditioner could have dispensed coolness to all more efficiently if there had been more open space.

Olivia gets car sick so she did not feel well. It was especially bad when going up the canyon into the mountains with curves and dips. There we had the windows open much of the time. Luckily the heat went down as we went up.

We did have a little trouble following directions because we turned right rather than veering to the right. A quick phone call solved that problem. Into the beautiful canyon we went. There were two possible camp grounds. Leroy voted for going directly to the one offering the best views and experiences, according to previous users. Well, everyone apparently liked it because the sign stated that it was full. I wanted to go in and check to see if someone had left as it was Sunday evening; however Leroy was not into that idea so we turned around much to the moaning Olivia and headed down for another run at those curves and dips.

Finally we turned into Little Mill camp grounds with the fast rushing stream beside its long narrow length. The camp hosts were not at their camper, but someone told us we could find them on a golf cart. There was no full sign, but also we did not see empty sites.

It was a relief to find the hosts. They gave us three possibilities and then remembered a reserveable fourth that was particularly nice. In the end, we took the chance that no one else would want that fourth spot and we set up our tent there. It was flat, grassless (as were all the spots) shaded, and somewhat private.

Because we have a senior national park pass we saved $21.50. Guess it pays to get older!


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Up the Hill


Yesterday, Leroy, three girls, and I went up the mountain for a hike to Donut falls. The friend who came along was here later than I expected. Then as we got ready it took longer to find this and that to get to the take off point. Everyone seemed pleased to go because we had had such a good time the day before, but help for forward movement was a bit slow.

Finally we were on the road. I did not take along as much for snacking because it had not been needed the day before.

On the way up the mountain road we had to stop because of road work. We are always glad roads are maintained, but sometimes hopeful that it will not inconvenience us, just someone else. After a wait long enough to have the girls tell Leroy he should turn off the car because it was wasting gas, sounds like people who have their grandmother’s philosophy, we got started again. While stopped, we put the windows down creating a pleasant breeze as we were sitting visiting and drinking in the mountain ambience.

Finally it was our turn to go. As we approached a curve I could see much smoke ahead. I thought maybe that was in the process of laying down blacktop, however as we went farther thick black smoke was visible with serious flames shooting up in the air. The cab of one of the worker straight trucks was on fire. The van in front of us stopped close to that burning vehicle. We all gasped, watching workers try to take some things out of it and getting a small fire extinguisher which looked much, much too small to be of any help. There was an explosive sound which might have been a tire exploding. Finally one of the workers signaled to the van in front of us to move well over to the side and proceed out of the way. The heat coming through the closed window felt as if a hot oven had been opened. A mile later we met a fire truck coming down the mountain. Great, help was on the way!

After that we missed the turn off for our hike. We went four more miles up the mountain when we found a place where we could inquire. I asked a person who was outside for directions. She did not know, but suggested I look at my phone. I did not tell her that I/we did not have a smart phone. Someday I suppose we will have to join the rest of the world. At any rate Leroy had gotten the route from the internet at home, but we failed to see the turn off. The young guy in the establishment was very kind to me and gave me clear instructions so we could get to the trailhead in good time. But first we had to stop at a toilet. Luckily Leroy spotted the building, but unluckily it was after he had driven past. Two of the girls and I got out used the facilities only to find that Leroy had driven farther away from us because there was a sign that said no parking. I personally thought it was not parking, but pausing. There were few cars on this road. I called him and suggested he back up, but he did not do that so we tromped the extra yards.

When we got to the parking area there was a line of cars parked at the side. Unfortunately the last spot had a no parking sign by it. We did stop the car, however while the rest of us were drinking water and applying bug spray, Leroy walked up ahead to find some parking spaces in the lot. He then came back got the car, loaded in the girls, while I walked off in a bit of a huff from all this fooling round.

The hike itself was great; at times a bit steep and at times close to the water. Just before the falls Leroy had to help all of us females down a steep slippery slope.

Then it was time to turn around and go back. We ate some nuts and drank all the available water before we headed back. We drove past the road work plus another spot in the city that had sprung up while we were gone. One of our granddaughters gets car sick and she was not feeling well coming down the mountain. All in all it was a long trip and all were almost beyond hunger and thirst and into grumpy when we got home. Hopefully years from now it will be a good memory.


Thursday, June 11, 2015

In Utah


We arrived in Utah on Monday, somewhat late in the day. Certainly too late for me to do anything, but collect my senses, chat, and go to bed. We are certainly getting our mountain fix (if there is such a thing with us) on this trip. We spend a night and part of a day in the mountains in Avon, CO. It was quite a spectacular view with a touch of cool air. Morning temperature was 38 degrees F. Certainly nice to have some jeans along as well as long sleeves. Much of the rest of the time we have been sweating at 90 degrees F. Amazing how the body can adjust to such fluctuations.

Bike rides, tag, going to the library, reading books, working on a picture puzzle, going to the library, taking a hike, going to the library, and reading books have filled in much time. An overnight camping trip is being planned, but not totally locked in yet.

Even though the speed limit is 80 in Utah, Leroy found he was not comfortable driving that fast. He slowed to 75 while still fast it seems more manageable. We arrived here in great shape so it was good. I made the most questionable driving maneuver of the trip when I pulled into the left lane to pass a slower vehicle. I thought I was a comfortable distance ahead of the semi that was also behind me in that lane. Unfortunately the two cars in front of me slowed rather abruptly. In the mirror I could see the semi coming closer and closer to the back of our car. I almost felt like screaming before he stopped with only a bit of the grill showing in the mirror. I do not know that I have had one come so close and at 70 or more mph.  Sunday morning when we got back on the road in Nebraska it seemed to be just us and the semis, but I gave them plenty of space to make any necessary adjustments.


Friday, June 5, 2015



My brother-in-law visited us last night and left this morning heading on to Brian’s house. As he stated, he had almost no time to connect with us at the funeral. It was a good time together.

Either tomorrow or Sunday we will leave on our trip west. Right now we are aiming at Saturday, but we, or really I am, leaving it open in my mind to change at the last minute. Nice to be so flexible or is that just undecided? I thought today would be my packing day as I am working Saturday morning and would have no time to do any thoughtful packing, and of course I need thoughtful packing.

I also have to move some plants around so they will be easy for someone else to water. Usually I have more of them outside by now. However the neighbors will be the having cut down, a tree that swoops over our back yard. Consequently all of the plants would have to be moved out of the way. That could be a lot of work so I have not taken them out yet.

Maybe we should pretend that we are traveling by air so we do not take excessive amounts of gear with us. That would help us to feel light and free. Oh, but I might need it! I am trying to put that thought away. It wants to be noticed. Miriam will surely have everything thing we need or we can buy it as stores are also available in the west, in fact I suspect they like our money just as well as stores around here.

One sad thing is leaving now and not having the time to get the community garden in proper shape. We just have to remember that we should not be so hard on ourselves as life will go on, even if all is not finished according to plan.


Monday, June 1, 2015



I do not know what we will do on our anniversary, but we have both been reminded by our digital calendars. I guess they are good for something. We will be taking a trip just the day after so maybe that counts as the anniversary fling. We will travel west to Miriam’s, but on the way we stop to visit my college roommate in the mountains of Colorado. We also expect to take those two Utah grandchildren tent camping in one of the national parks. It has been a few years since I have slept on the ground, hopefully I can still do that. Leroy might complain in the morning, but there is no doubt in my mind that he will be able to sleep because he is the champion sleeper.

We had planned to plant some vines in our Ely garden, but have not gotten that done. Leroy is now set on the idea of doing it after we come back. Hopefully all squash bugs will have died in despair from lack of food. So then our vines will grow rapidly and be ready before the first frost arrives.

We actually have a small broccoli head forming in our front garden. Will it be large enough to pick before we leave? Certainly it would be too big when we return if so it will be a gift for our friends.

I have been collecting a bag of things that we will take west. But I cannot imagine what to pack for clothes as the weather there has been about as unpredictable as ours. I do think we need to have both more extreme temperature clothes for that camping experience as I recall it can be quite cool when the sun goes down even if it is blazing hot during the day.

At least my hair is fairly short so the lack of humidity will not make it appear too long. That dry air takes the curl right out. One thing nice to look forward to is the lack of flying insects.
