Monday, December 31, 2012
I thought I was ok with learning new technology, but now I have to confess that it is not true. I am really fighting using the IPod. It is especially annoying that so many people find it such a great thing and easy to use. For me it is more difficult than pulling out a CD and playing it.
When Miriam was here last summer she showed us some things about the device, but we have hardly used it since then. Getting the local temperature at the airport has been the most popular use for it. It seems like an expensive way to learn the temp. Opening a window would be easier and cheaper, but not an official number.
Stephen showed us some of the same things and then some more. I will try to use it more, but one music problem is that the speakers are in the living room and when in that room we usually read. I do not like to have on music when I am reading as it distracts me a great deal. I would like it in the kitchen, but there is no good place to put the speakers in that room. One solution is to buy another docking station that is smaller than the current one.
Then there are all the other things that can be done on the IPod touch. I find them hard to deal with as I can type so much faster and more accurately on the computer keyboard. One finger is not my style. My fingers must be too big as I am constantly getting other unintended keys requiring back tracking. Perhaps I could get better if I used it more, but it is hard for me to see why I should do that when I could be done on the computer. I suppose the one advantage that I can think of is that is faster to turn on, but when I have to put in my password four times it seems to take away that speed advantage. Also since it is not an IPhone we cannot easily use it when we are out and about as we need the WIFI connection. I did look at my email on there, but it was annoying to take so long to get it done when I could have turned on the computer and easily had the whole thing finished ten minutes sooner.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Four adults and four children have come and gone taking their noise, laughter, breathing, snoring, sleep talking, playing, drawing, coloring, listening, talking, game playing, and fresh perspective with them.
It all went by so fast that I am not sure how we got through it all, but it did happen. The three older girls got along as we would hope they always would. At only a little more than a year, Natalie mostly went her own way and carved out her own place to be.
Five year old Olivia gave us all a quick lesson on rash as a reaction to an antibiotic. She was brilliantly red for about three days. It miraculously disappeared to the relief of all. Luckily it did not itch much or hurt, but it still caused concern.
A few squirrels come into view with their walnuts in hand. One of them set up shop on the fence where the girls could get quite close and easily hear him scratching and chewing on this hard shelled sphere.
For a break from the ordinary some of the adults took a tour of the museum and later a few adults took the kids to the play station where they could run around and play. I stayed home and relaxed.
As Sarah and Stephen traveled home we also went and met my brother and his wife at about the half way point between our homes. They had not seen our daughters for some time. They had not met our grandchildren so that was quite nice. Snow was falling, but it was not a concern at all. So that was great. I am so grateful for wonderful family times.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Waiting is big on the agenda, but I am also getting some things done. I have washed, dried, and folded most of two loads of clothes. Some of them are still drying. I had the dryer on normal heat. I happened to touch the top back of it and almost burned my hand. I figure that was a good warning to turn down the heat. It is an older machine that I have not often used before. Certainly more caution is in order.
I have also started a batch of bread that we will eat tomorrow. I figure Christmas dinner will be rather low key since I do not have to cook the turkey. Because of that I am not making dressing or gravy. I had forgotten that Leroy’s family also has the ravioli then, but he of course remembers. I guess we will have that too, but it is fairly simple to boil and I put it in the crock until time to eat.
Leroy vacuumed the floors and washed the kitchen floor so we are mostly ready for this event. He is at work until 2:00. Not sure how many people will be in, but they are ready at the museum/library.
This morning I spoke with Brian’s family on the web cam and I newly miss them. After all more people would not add to my stress level, but I do wish that we had about twice as much space in our living quarters. Sometimes even with just two people here we can get in each other’s way. What is it going to be like when there are ten of us? Then I am ashamed because I just read Mao’s last dancer. This family had maybe two rooms, but for sure they slept five in a bed. We are not required to do that. We have two bedrooms, living room, computer room, and kitchen. Is that extravagant?
We found some toys so the girls should be occupied some of the time. Hopefully they can figure out how to get along. Sometimes that is an issue.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Things Accomplished
I hoped out of bed at the creak of dawn or had dawn even cracked? That was so my hair could dry before we set out for church. It was almost done when we left. It felt fine under my coat hood. In spite of the cold and still being tired it was a pleasant walk in the crisp cool air.
For some reason I did not get to sleep in a timely manner last night. I kept thinking about the book that I am reading, which I have now finished. It is for our book club. It is called Sing them Home by Stephanie Kallos. It gave me some things to think about.
After we came home Leroy learned that the store where we got the turkey breast would be open. Even though I dislike going to the stores on Sunday, I broke my own rule and went. It was a happy moment to get that bird out of my small freeze and correct an incorrect charge on the same bill. We also managed to bring home at least three other things that we had forgotten. We got some toiletry items for the homeless people who will be staying in the church for a week. Was that purchase to sooth my conscience? Perhaps.
After that we ate lunch and made Ravioli. That seems like it should be calm, but I just yelled at Leroy until he felt like slinking off and away from me, declaring, “Next time if you do not want to make ravioli you should just say so. There is no reason to get so excited by it all.”
Why am I yelling? Who knows, but maybe many factors such as tired, lack of sleep, being unsure of myself as a hostess, not knowing what we will do, and no meal plans are made except in my head where they could disappear in a moment.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Leroy and I went on, what I consider a marathon shopping trip. Spoken like someone who has no thrill to the chase. We started in the mall where Leroy got a last minute gift for me while I went to another part of the place. Then it was on to a store where I looked for another gift for him, could not find, and pronounced it not worth the effort. Leroy knows that I value him above gifts, but I am not sure he feels the same way as he is so much more aligned with the gift giving/receiving crowd. Then it was on to three separate stores to buy some groceries. We spent as much as we do in about three weeks. Leroy commented, “It is less than plane fare.” Mostly we were buying things we normally do not have in the house. One of which was turkey breast because I could not face a whole bird.
When we got home we learned that our landlord had given us a smoked turkey breast. That first breast is going back to the store. I called our girls to make sure that they would be ok with this smoked bird. They agreed it would be fine. It is hard to believe that I raised the champion returner of all time. I on the other hand feel a little uncomfortable, but not so much that I will not do it. It just will not be a breeze.
My fever is gone, but I was quite tired when we got home from all of that exertion. Leroy did a great job: driving, pushing the carts, helping select, and carrying. He believes that I see him as a pack animal. Close, close! He cannot complain much because he has rarely been shopping since we have moved to this location. It was true of the last two homes as well. I have had more time so I felt it was my job.
Just two days to go before Sarah, Stephen, and girls arrive. Just three until Miriam comes. She tells me that Olivia is not well and Andy thinks he is also “getting something.” I did not even pass it on to them.
Friday, December 21, 2012
My fever was the highest last night, but then during the night I woke drenched in sweat. Does that mean that it broke? I still feel a bit achy this morning, but otherwise good.
I decided not to go shopping as is my habit on Friday morning, because I could not face hauling all of the bags upstairs by myself. I will let Leroy go with me and help. Actually even if he stayed home and just made a couple trips up the stairs that would make a huge difference. I am hoping that the stores will not be busy on the Saturday before Christmas. What are the chances of that? Hopefully others will be done and moving on to other things.
“Leroy,” I said, “I think you have been healthier because of all your bike riding.”
“I think that too,” he replied.
Now if I could just get some regular exercise maybe I would be able to dissipate some stress. Sources of stress? Much as I want my children to come visit, I am nervous about it. We do not eat the same kinds of things. I can eat other foods for a short time, but I am not sure that they are tolerant of all the veggies I eat. I also do not have sweet food and I am sure that will be a lack for them. It is hard to feed people foods that I feel are not good for them. It creates a moral dilemma for me.
Then I am wondering how I will entertain these girls. I have few toys or other appropriate things for them to play with. I hate to get things since they so seldom visit that they might use something for one visit and be past it for the next. Sarah did call this morning to check if we indeed had snow on the ground. Maybe we can use the sleds. Hope these girls have warm clothing with them.
I must relax, it will all work out.
Christmas Greetings
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2012
Tis the season when we (Leroy and I) contemplate mysteries: some with answers and some without.
Why does our income fluctuate wildly from year to year? Why are we content and happy in spite of that? Do we feel taken care of? Yes, we have been gifted with many blessings! Each day we tell each other the best thing about that day and there is always something to be grateful for on the journey.
Why can’t we see into the future?
Why does the blanket migrate to Leroy’s side of the bed during the night?
Why do our children hang with us, when, because of our vacillating circumstances they might be worried about caring for us in the future and run hide?
Why must our children live so far away? Oops, maybe it is because they do not want to move as often as we do.
Sarah, Stephen, Lexi, and Natalie have lived in Washington D.C. since 2009.
Brian, Jen, Sophia, and Logan have lived in the Twin Cities area since 1999.
Miriam, Andy, Olivia, and Nora have lived in Salt Lake City since 2003.
Leroy and Paula have lived in Cedar Rapids since March 2012.
Why do squirrels eat tomatoes instead of tasty black walnuts?
Why did Leroy learn some Slovak? So he could use it as he catalogs books at the Czech Slovak Museum and Library.
Why did Paula get a job as the Tech Services Librarian at the Ely Public Library? So she could contribute to the family finances and connect with friends.
Why is it a question of time or of money about seeing the grandchildren?
Why is only one side of my Christmas cactus getting buds?
May God continue to bless, strengthen and uphold you in all your life.
Leroy and Paula
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Home, but not alone
My slight fever of 100 is still with me, as is Leroy. It is not because he is sick but because the museum/library closed today with all of the snow coming down. It seems logical that they would not be inundated with visitors on just such a day. As I write this I remember going to the conservatory in St. Paul during a blizzard. It was just a few blocks from our house. It was wonderfully refreshing to go inside to the world of tropical plants as the wind howled outside. As I recall the news was there too, probably recording the weird people who felt they could come on such a day with drifts piled in the parking lot. There was one other car out there. At that point in time no hill daunted us even if of the roller coaster type. Leroy was in seminary at that time so that gives you an idea of our age.
When he went to choir practice last night I was quite jealous of Leroy because he stated, “As soon as I got a block away from the house the snow started pelting down. Walking in the snow is a great thing. I do not think we got the predicted mega inches because it was warm for so long and it rather quickly melted at first. Now there is probably seven or eight inches out there. It is so lovely to look out our windows and see the evergreens loaded with snow.
1. I still like to get Christmas cards and hold them in my hands even though I am willing to move away from that practice. My card holder is filling up and I like that.
2. Why does the mercury in an old fashioned fever thermometer go up but not down as other similar devices that record temperature of the air? Why can I shake it down? Does shaking have any effect on the outdoor type?
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Leroy's Vest
We had been looking for a lime green safety vest for Leroy to use when he rides the bike. It seems he will almost glow with the vest along with good front and back lights flashing away.
As ubiquitous as these vest seem to be they are hard to find in a store. I did find them on internet retailers with various prices starting at $3.50 if you buy ten of them. After that prices leaped up to over ten dollars with additional for shipping. I asked at several places such as home stores and lumberyards. As I told Leroy, “I think we are going to have to mug a construction worker.”
It was suggested that we go to Theisens which is a farm store. Or at least that is how I think of it. I checked on the web site and they wanted ten dollars for a vest. I was thinking of giving this to Leroy for Christmas before I learned he was also looking. He searched out a Theisens on this side of town, so he stopped in, bought himself a vest for ten dollars, and is quite pleased. “I am really noticeable now,” he declared. The long search contributed to satisfaction and a change of standards. $3.50 is out of mind. I even considered ordering them and selling the extras on the street corner.
I had a slight fever last night and it came back today so I did not go to work. My nose is flowing like the Cedar River. I thought about the Nile, but that would surely be an exaggeration. No longer is there a question about snow driving. As of yet I think it still is not snowing, just raining. But around the neighborhood people are getting snow blowers revved up and I pulled all of the rutabagas. I was so tired that I did not take care of most of them, but put them in the cool attic for a later day when I have more energy. I berated myself for not pulling some of them sooner. My excuse is that it was fun to see how long they could stay out there in the cold.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Winter Coming
The prediction is for snow tomorrow. I like snow and winter weather, but I am nervous about driving in it once again. I feel that our current cars do not do as well as some we have had in the past, or maybe I was just younger and more daring than I am now.
I keep thinking about how I can get out of town without using the interstate that tends to be slippery on the curves or without going on a hill. There is no way that I know about. Maybe the snow will wait until I am done working. How about that for a fantasy?
One thing about winter is that my hair curling humidity has disappeared. I do not like looking in the mirror so much. Then there is a strong cowlick. Who ever came up with that name? It is in the back seemingly to create the perfect part in my hair to make braids. Course my hair is not long enough for braids, but maybe it is trying to give me a hint about the future.
Leroy and I have now completed our decorations for Christmas. The tree is up and fits better in the space than I thought it would. I think little Natalie will be at just the right height to take many things off, but we will deal with that later. One string of lights has been discarded. One string, Leroy tested, put on the tree only to find a rather large chunk of it was not working. I yelled a bit about that, but he found that a light bulb was missing. With insertion of a new light it worked fine as did our relationship. Could Christmas tree lights be a hidden cause of divorce? Is that why the pre-lighted trees are so popular? They might really be a marriage saving device.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Normal Life
After Friday’s horrific event I am so grateful for the normal life I have lived. How does it happen that my life is so good? I have no real answers to that question just thankfulness. I do wonder about our population and where it is headed, can we change course and make a difference? Yes I believe that is so very possible. That is where hope lies. I always try to remember that I am not alone. I have God and God given people in my live to guide my way.
Leroy’s building had a Christmas party at someone’s house. I am always a little uncomfortable to go into a situation where I know almost no one, but it was fine. There were plenty of people for me to talk with and make a small connection. I also noted that Leroy and I were possibly the oldest people there. Can it be that we are truly of the older crowd when I generally feel so young?
I often connect well with younger people. The person at work that I talk with on the deepest level is slightly younger than my children. I would not have expected this to be the case. Maybe as adults, it is more a question of personality and interests than age that helps make bridges.
Today at work we will have our first staff meeting in a long time. Lunch will be provided. What a treat. Our director has just graduated from library school. Now we will see her much more than we did in the past three months. All of us did wonder how she managed, however, because she was been full time student teaching and still spends plenty of time with us in the evenings. She certainly has a lot of stamina because she worked a full day every Saturday as well. Now that causes me to feel a little old.
The first bloom on my Christmas cactus at home has opened. What a nice gift!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
In Minnesota
Leroy and I managed to get out of town heading to MN in good order. Leroy got off work early and I tried to remember to leave on time with only being five minutes past the mark.
We had a smooth uneventful drive to Brian’s. Even our clip on the metal water bottle was silent. Usually that clicking drives us crazy and we wonder why that thing is on there. We take it off and then forget to take it back in the house when we get home consequently spend time later searching for it.
Cleo, the dog was quite excited to see us, but I think she responds that way to many people; however I like to think I am special to her because I take her on wonderful walks. Logan was asleep so no big welcome there. Sophia was still awake. She came out but did not come to me preferring to cling to her mother’s leg. “Are you leaving now?” she rather plaintively asked her mom. She knew that our primary motive for coming was to babysit overnight. It was a relief to learn that it would not be until the next night, however her welcome was still less than excited.
Deep in my heart I expect that someday the kids will find our visits an annoyance or interruption to their lives, but I hope that is not for a while yet. Now I just desperately want to know all of these grandchildren before they leave us behind for other excitement.
In the morning, grinning Logan came in bed with us where he crawled on top of Leroy for quite some time as those two enjoyed reconnecting. I caught an occasional glance and grin with my name flung out with enthusiasm. I’m happy to share with Leroy, I really am.
In the afternoon, Sophia was quite happy and excited to see us after her daycare time. That evening when Brian and Jen left it seemed to be a small issue. We had no problems and enjoyed our time together.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Still Here
I have been busy, but not necessarily with Christmas things. I did get out the Christmas cards after I found them, wrote a possible letter, rejected it, and wrote another. Leroy even addressed some envelops plus he edited and made copies of the letter. My plan has shifted from sending cards early, to before Christmas delivery will be fine.
Today, however I have not worked on that. Instead I have made granola, bread, cooked rice and sweet potatoes. It warms up the apartment and smells good around here. I have a good book I am reading, but have managed to not be lured in by it even with its strong siren song. It is called, Mao’s Last Dancer. As usual my mornings before going to work are not rest and relaxation times. Generally I am racing around trying to get it all done. Good thing I only work two nights a week.
Leroy and I drove to MN Thursday afternoon, evening so that we could be settled in to babysit for the grand kids Friday night. We came home on Saturday because Leroy had a commitment at Sunday school. We were glad to miss driving in their 12 inches plus of snow.
Yesterday I would have written, but the internet was down just as I was ready to go. Then I got some nice time for reading. I could have cleaned or something, but it was not on my schedule. It is all a trade off. Our phone is part of our internet and I truly felt cut off from the world with two communication methods not working. I have the cell phone, but it is not such a big deal in my life since there we pay by the minute.
I was not so busy at the library until the last hour and a half. It seemed people called each other. One guy wanted to send a fax and for whatever reason it was not working. That meant more fussing. I was ready to think about closing when I had someone check out who needed their library card updated. That requires more time. The last people were ready to check out when it was after closing time and they also needed to have a card updated and even one new card. In the meantime someone who had a book on hold came in before I could lock the door. They also thought about getting out another book, apologized about keeping me, and left. By that time it was about half an hour later. At least all of these people are people I know and enjoy visiting with so it was not much of an imposition.
The car windows were a bit frosty, but I tempted fate and drove with the internal fog that dissipated as the heat came up.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Fixing the Phone
Last night Leroy tried to call to let me know that he was coming home from Chicago in the same day that he left. It would just be very late. We could not hear each other. So I called him back again no sound was transmitted. Then he thought to try my cell and I then found out the information.
Because it was already after nine at night I thought I would call Miriam since it was only after eight there. I did not realize there was no one answering so I called two more times with the last being on my cell to let them know that I just had a phone that did not work. Miriam was gone and Andy was working in a place in the house with no phone easily accessible. However, with the additional calls he thought it was an emergency and scrambled madly to get out of his tight spot. He was relieved to learn it was only a phone that did not work.
I cut the power to the phone system four times without solving the problem. I just hate to make this type of phone call so I put it off until morning after I once again tried to reset.
Then I tried the live chat with the phone provider. She had me run a test to learn my download and upload speeds. I also found out the jitter rate as well as the packet fill. That told her that my packet fill rate was off. Who knows what all is going on through the air! Jittering, filling, uploading and downloading. It is a wonder that we can walk through it. She indicated that I should call my internet provider. I informed her that it was my landlord’s. She then suggested that we could fix it immediately with a call to their help line. She provided the number and the times of operation. I had to wait a bit since it was CA time. After a 20 minute phone call our phone is once again working. That seems like a long time, but compared to the old days when someone might have to come to your home it was fast, fast, fast.
You might wonder what Leroy was doing in Chicago. They had rented a 16 ft. truck to pick up a load of donated books. They thought they might need two days, but one long day sufficed to move a full truck of books.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Driving Around
Before we left to go to that concert I got directions from Google map as we have not gotten a GPS with the assumption that we would seldom use it. Most of our travel is local. I suppose the Leroy trusted me because he never looked at anything but the long distance part. I did request that he print off a parking lot map at work since it did not do well on our printer that is almost out of colored ink.
I successfully dashed to gather up all of my things and race off to pick up Leroy at the proper time. I even combed my hair.
We stopped for gas on the way without using much time. When we got to the city of our destination life changed. At first we both recognized our surroundings. I was driving and Leroy dutifully got out the directions and guided me through much of them. Then somehow in the dark we did not see a street name that we needed. After that life got harder. Leroy and I really do not fight so often, but getting lost in a city is one of the times when I start to be more intense and agitated. I think I got this from my mother (easy to blame parents for troubles) who always seemed so frightened if we got lost and I was the scared little back seat kid who picked up on that fear. Logically I know it is not that much of a deal, but it is still hard for me to handle it. Leroy almost knows this city so he did not want to ask for directions. We got to our destination, but it was serendipitous.
We did not really know how to get out of town, but another couple there told us their car broke down and they needed a ride to their motel. We offered to give them that ride and they would give us directions to get to the interstate that we could use to flee this place.
All went well when dropping them off and directions did indeed seem clear and easy as the interstate was “close”. Now Leroy was driving. “Oh, no,” I exclaimed, “The ramp is closed with no further directions.”
Now we really headed off into the unknown. I used to be proud of my sense of direction, but that was before I went to Utah. Maybe it was because I flew there the first time; consequently I was off 180 degrees. Life and directions have not been the same since. Now back to Iowa, or rather Illinois, minutes and miles later as we seemed to be out in the country, I finally convinced Leroy to turn at a stoplight, surely there would be something in that direction and we could ask for some assistance. Only one such place appeared. It was a fast food establishment that was well lit, but almost deserted. There were a couple people inside and I managed to attract their attention so they let me in. Perhaps I looked desperate. After looking at the map they could tell me where I was, but they did not know an easy solution to the closed ramp being unable to give alternate directions other than to go back the way we had come as we were a bit far afield.
Heading back towards the interstate I noticed on the map that there were several close exits. I suggested that we could go the other direction and quickly get off and turn around. Well at the interstate, we could see cars creeping along up there. So that plan was nixed. Instead we decided to work our way back to the college and try again.
We tried that plan at last getting to the college, but we were now on a different street. Our little paper map does not show much beyond the most important thoroughfares. I convinced Leroy to stop to ask for directions. I even agreed to go in and get them. I worry about that because he has a much better memory than I do and I often cannot keep it all straight.
The guy, really he was a kid, in the gas station had not a clue how to help me. Finally, I asked him if he could show me on the map where I was. He managed to do that after some studying. I was talking a little bit about what to do when another man came in. He had on a reflectorized vest so surely he was local and knew the area. He said, “I am going the way you want to go so you can follow me after I get gas.”
Relief, relief, we are saved and we might get home before morning.
This kind man ascertained that I/we would know what to do at a certain point when he needed to go a different direction.
We followed this rescuing man as our savior and got home after midnight.
Blessings in all this: we were safe, there are helpers everywhere, we can speak the language/communicate, the car worked, our brains work, possibilities abound, and the map light in the car worked very well. Oh, and Leroy are still together and fine with that.
Leroy declared, “We should get a GPS!” We might even remember to take our IPOD that we could also use for such a time. Gadgets, gadgets!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Leroy Walking
I did not want to drive Leroy to work this morning and pick him up at the end of the day. We are going to a dinner and Christmas concert about an hour and half or more away. It just seemed like a bother, but I did grumpily agree to do it last night. This morning ever sensitive Leroy announced, as he got up, “I’m going to walk to work since you do not want to drive me.”
I did not finish so this was written on 1December 2012.
Guilt kicked in as I exclaimed, “Oh I can drive you I just did not feel like doing that. It is over three miles so it will take almost an hour or more to get there.”
“Really it is just a little over three miles so it should be under an hour,” Leroy assured me as he scurried around getting ready to get on the sidewalk. “It is in the 30’s so that is a nice temperature to walk.”
He called with the news that he made it in 45 minutes. Good for him to be able to still do the 15 minute mile at 64.75 years. Not too bad for a guy of his age.
We certainly enjoyed the dinner and conversation with two other couples who had been at the seminary at the same time that Leroy was. I remember someone once talking about visiting with someone they had not seen in 25 years. The mere concept of such a long time apart was difficult for me to get my mind around. Now no longer! One couple we had not seen in perhaps 25 years. We are not sure of the time length. It was great to see them again. Conversation did not lag and in fact it had to be cut short. What blessings abound! Other people are the supports that hold us up and keep us grounded.
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