Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Pre trip Info


Before trip details I should talk about playing for church. On the whole it went ok. The only big thing was that I lost track of the number of verses played in one hymn and started in with no one singing with me. I still am not sure about the settings that I used. I liked the tone quality, but I think it might have been a bit quiet. It seemed quite loud in the empty church when I practiced. Attendance was low because of the snow that was blanketing the earth and the continual additions to that blanket. It was truly beautiful. Leroy does not like the low attendance, but I find it easier to deal with a smaller group.

Leroy and I shoveled a little on the drive before we went to bed. Mostly we cleared the area facing the garage. In the morning we woke early and getting outside at maybe 5:30. There was probably about four inches out there. With the warmer temperatures it was quite heavy snow. We had almost cleared the area in front of the garage again and were talking about taking a break when a truck with snow removal blade was driving by, went past the driveway, backed up, and came in.

“Leroy, they probably are looking for work and would do the drive for a fee.” I commented.

The truck came to us, stopped, put down the window, the bearded driver stuck his head out and said, “Good morning, pastor.”

He proceeded to drop the blade, back out of the drive, wave, and zip on down the street. He finished in two minutes what would have taken us half an hour to an hour. We are blessed again, pressed down and running over.

Because of that help we got on the road a little earlier than we had expected. It helped us feel a bit more at ease since we did not know what the roads would be like, although we hoped the snow had stopped early enough to give the workers a chance to get it clear.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Letter

Christmas Letter
December 2010


How does one write a Christmas Letter that will contain new and fresh information when you have gotten frequent letters from this sender?

Things we think we can’t live without because we have become accustomed to having them around.

A remote for the light/fan in the bedroom.
Three bedrooms that we can use anyway we choose.
A huge basement.
A computer.
The Internet.
Telephones that tell us who has called.
Fresh produce.
Refrigerator at eye level.
Places to walk.
Songs to sing.

Things we absolutely do not want to live without:


We hope and pray that you also will have these things in your lives and that God is with you in new and dramatic ways at Christmas and in the year to come.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Love to you all.

Monday, December 20, 2010



Why did I say I would play for Christmas Eve? Some other inauspicious time would have been better. I had just asked the organist if I could play the organ for fun. I have known many organists who are quite possessive of their instruments. She was not only happy to have me play it, but she wondered if I could play for Christmas Eve. It is always easy to say yes when the time is a long ways out. Now I am not convinced that it is best. It is always hard to know what the settings will sound like in a church full of people as opposed to an empty space. I do feel that it is necessary that I play since I learned last night that they have not found someone who can play on the 26th when we will be gone. Now that would have been more likely a low attendance time for me to play.

I am also finding that most of the pre and post service music that I have is really short since I have always played in a small church and did not need to fill much time. Actually no one wanted me to be playing a long time when for instance the offering was already collected.

Because of nervousness I have been putting off the task of actually spending much time practicing and figuring out the stops. One very positive thing is that there are no new hymns to learn. All are old favorites so I am not concerned about that.

I remember that when we moved to Ely, the first time I played was for Easter Sunday. It was apparently the day the time changed to daylight savings time because the organist did not come. At least there, I had been playing in the more recent past and I had spent some time just playing around on that organ. Now I feel as if I have been thrown into the deep end. I am trying to think positively and know that I will do an ok job of it, but a part of me would like to be impressive and that is not likely to happen since I am in survival mode. Then sometimes I try to remind myself that all of this is to the glory of God so I should just relax into it and give it my best shot. God knows how much I have prepared.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Helper Leroy


Leroy is a great helper around the house. He almost never says no to a request and he never complains. What more could I want? Oh no, sometimes I do want more, I want it all.

The other day in the laundry area, Leroy noticed a laundry basket half full of clothes. Assuming the clothes had been washed he proceeded to take it upstairs and to sort out his things putting them away. I came through later ready to start that load of laundry, but could not see the basket that I thought I had left in plain sight. I checked both closets and the bathroom in the area. No basket. I looked around on the rest of the main level wondering why I would have moved it. Then after checking the closets and bathroom again I went upstairs. There was the basket in our bedroom still with a small amount clothes in it.

“Leroy I think we had better buy some nursing care insurance as you are surely going to need it. I have early onset Alzheimer’s.” I told him, feeling nervous about my sanity. “Oh dear,” I thought that is another sign, isn’t it, feeling scared and nervous.

“Why on earth is that?” Leroy asked.

“I took the laundry basket with dirty dark clothes upstairs and have absolutely no memory of doing that,” I told him.

Leroy started laughing, “I came home needing to get something upstairs, thought those were clean clothes, took them upstairs for you, put my clothes away, and left yours in the basket.”

It took awhile but I did eventually laugh although with some relief as well as some irritation at my great helper.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Leroy's Day Off


Leroy called and got an eye exam scheduled this morning. That shaped our day. The first stop was the library even though it is not in the neighborhood, but we could make a large circle and say it was on the way.

Then it was on to another store. I “raced” in looked at about two things and went back out without buying anything.

Leroy had his exam in the Wal-Mart building. I have to say that I was pleased to find a gift for Leroy that I am sure he will like. When I told him he could not look in the bag, he said, “Oh no now the pressure is on I must find something for you.”

“I do not even know what to suggest as I have everything I need or want,” I told him. One day I had thought of something, but no longer remember what it was.

I shopped or wandered in the store until I could not handle it any more at which point I went and sat with Leroy as he was picking out some frames and lens types. If we could get the basic type of glasses it would be cheaper, but as it is we are grateful to see. The cost per day of daily wear is not so bad when you figure out what 3.5 years of wear equals.

I am also spending a lot of money in the near future as after consultation with my former dentist, I will have my crown replaced. As some of you might know those things are not cheap, but for my oral health it is a good thing. Our insurance will pay 50% after a $100 deductable.

Our second to the last stop was Hy-Vee grocery store. The manager of one of the stores here sent us a letter saying that we could get 10% off of one visit because we are new in town. The two stores in town had given us three free items. So it was stock up time and splurge time. Leroy found some Beer Kaese Cheese. This cheese is, depending on your point of view, a step up from limburger. It is a soft pungent cheese. The sign said it was imported from Germany. The block had the German flag on it but also the word Wisconsin with no address given. I say it was a splurge because this cheese cost $19.99 per pound making it a bit pricy. The 10% off helped a little. We cut some home made bread sliced cheese on top and put it in the microwave for 13 seconds. It was wonderful. We used to get a cheese called smear(not sure how that was spelled) brick. When our children were home they used to command, “Don’t open the refrigerator when my friends are in the house.” The smell would waft out the door always.

Our last stop was at the airport. We had purchased a gift to take to DC and I was not sure that it would go through the security. I was driving so Leroy graciously agreed to run in and ask even though he thought it would not be a problem. He found that it should be fine in the package or even unwrapped. We are going to try not to check in a bag. We will not be there so many days so it should be possible. I believe in washing clothes.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow Frisbee Golf


Two guys were out there along with dogs, Frisbees, and bags to carry Frisbees. It was quite picturesque with the snow covering most things. Another advantage to playing Frisbee instead of the “real” golf game is that the snow does not cover the hole so you can not find it. The goal here is a post with a basket on it that is perpetually available.

Leroy and I so enjoyed our walk this morning. The temperature was about 20 F., snow was falling, and there was no wind creating a peaceful beautiful setting. Both of us are feeling well now giving us additional blessings.

Others had been out there ahead of us as we saw human tracks of footprints, car tires, and bike tires. I am so happy that people are out enjoying this park. Then there were the squirrel, deer, and dog tracks. The crows were having an early morning conference high in the trees.

I did my yoga routine this morning. For some reason I have not made it a habit here. That is ruining my flexibility and posture. Several times a day I admonish, “Don’t slouch Paula.” So far I have not listened. Maybe later I will get there. Leroy is good he does his exercises as soon as he gets out of bed, I instead write or read.

Decorations still are not up, but the tree is now fully lit once again. Leroy and I practiced a little team work to get that sting of malfunctioning lights off and a new one on. Sometimes we are good at teamwork and sometimes not.

I am hoping to get enough snow to cross country ski in the park so there will be another activity over there.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Driver's License renewal


I thought I would be at the license place at 8:00. We got out of bed a little late, took a little longer walk than the past days, took a longer shower, and consequently it was 8:30 by the time I got there. There were no people in the place but the two women who worked there. At least no crowds were ahead of me. I suppose the weather makes a difference. I really did not want to be there either but mostly because my license has the best picture of me that I have ever had on a driver’s license. I suspect that this time I could not be so fortunate, especially since Leroy had to take his glasses off for his. Would you even recognize me if I did not wear glasses? I certainly would not be able to see you.

Looking at my license, the woman said, “You do not have to renew until next year.”

“What?” I asked as I was sure that I had checked the date. It did indeed say 2011. Embarrassing, I just hope she did not think it was an age thing. Well that is nice I get to keep that good looking picture for one more year. Course Leroy wondered if the address was correct, but I did not check on that since I had sent it in to the state office shortly after we moved here. True they had not given me any indication that they had received that notification.

Guess that got me all off on another thought pattern because I totally forgot about Bible study and went shopping instead. After all I was out of milk.

This afternoon I practiced the organ in a cold sanctuary with temperatures that were, according to the secretary below 50 degrees F. I will say that my hands and feet got quite cold. I did not wear my coat, but had my warm scarf wrapped around my throat. Maybe stiff fingers would explain any mistakes that I made.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Putting up the Tree


Sunday, in spite of being busy, we got the tree up. Is it really a tree when not wood? Anyway I hauled parts upstairs. Thanks Brian and Jen for this good looking tree that is not a tree. Leroy helped get it up and branches fluffed to look more like a tree. I thought I could decorate it Monday.

We put the tree in the front window and that is when I discovered that a breeze blows under the window. A rather cool breeze when it is below zero outside. I got our body pillow thinking it might cover it, but the window is larger so I added a throw. That blocked the breeze, but not all of the cold.

Monday morning I practiced or sorted through music trying to figure out what I would play. At noon we put on the lights. We even remembered to check first to see if they worked. Then the ornaments went on with talk about the history, condition, and placement of many of them.

Now I think we have a good looking tree. This morning I plugged in the lights to enjoy it in the early morning dusk only to find that the bottom string of lights no longer works. Do you suppose the between the two of us Leroy and I can take that off without breaking any ornaments? We do have two spare light sets. In the past we have put lights outside but in the last years it has not worked very well because of outlet placements. Now I am glad that we still have that spare string as one way or another we will get it on the tree.

Gradually I am bringing up other Christmas decorations. Maybe tomorrow I will get many more up. I need to renew my driver’s license and I thought I might get that done in the morning if it is not snowing. One thing about not working for a boss I can be flexible in my routine, no money earned, but lots of satisfaction.


Monday, December 13, 2010



Yesterday seemed close to a typical winter Sunday. As the forecast was grim and snow had fallen with more in the air, wind brisk, temperatures low and predicted lower, it would seem that not many people would be in church. Leroy was mentally preparing for 30 or less. Would you believe there were more? Not a crowd, but impressive for the conditions.

The choir sang and there were four women and three men so that was a nice number.

I had written a check, put it in the offering envelope, and put that envelope in my pocket so I would have it handy. After I put on the pocket-less choir robe, I realized that I must have the offering out of my skirt pocket unless I planned to drag my robe up around my waist. The choir sits in the front of the congregation so that did not seem like a dignified thing to do. Oops there was no envelope in my pocket. I looked in the bathroom hoping I had not flushed it down the toilet, retraced my steps from the sanctuary to the choir room, patted my pockets so see if I missed it, and wondered how many days to wait before writing a new check. Just before the offering I commented to my seatmates that I had lost my contribution. When the offering plate came first to the woman next to me I noticed there was an envelope already there. It was mine! Later I told Leroy my tale and he said, “Oh I found that on the floor and put it in the plate without looking at it.”

In the evening Leroy was not feeling so good in his throat consequently I sang the liturgy. I enjoyed that. It is simple so it does not threaten me and the attendance is small also not threatening to me. I thought it went well. There were many more people attending than we had expected for this late service too. That always helps pastors feel better. Attendance can become the new god.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Those Christmas Letters


Full of energy and focused on the outcome I composed a letter that Leroy declared fine. But then Leroy is quite easy to please as long as he does not have to do this himself. Next step was getting out the box of envelopes, list, and addresses. I was working away when I realized that the seal on the envelop had done its job too soon and very well. Modern glues are great stickers. Too much storage time in high heat and humidity last summer is surely the reason.

But what to do now? Carefully open the seam? Throw them away? Go buy more?

I ended keeping them for the following reasons: I wanted to work on them today. The store is about three or four miles away and it is raining, sleeting, or snowing. After reading Garbage Land, I know our trash does not need more things and they will end up there anyway but then it would be double the number if I got more. I am just plain cheap. My parents were strong on the “don’t throw away” message. They could have been at the forefront with their recycling ideals, making do, and not wasting. They were at the forefront, but no one knew.

Some of envelopes I carefully pried open. Some Leroy got open with a letter opener. Some Leroy steamed open. (Steaming letters open is not for the faint hearted or else it is over rated.) All of them need re-gluing or sticking in some manner. All of them will look old and tired by the time they reach the recipient. If pride is a part of all this letter sending I have lost all of my pride and then some.

Leroy is still a bit weak and coughing. He did take a shortened walk this morning and he went to church. So he did not laze around the entire day. Oh yes and he opened at least 15 envelopes. That may not sound like much, but I know the full value of tedious work.

We are going to a play tonight. If we did not have season tickets we would probably stay home. Leroy is going armed with cough drops.


Friday, December 10, 2010

the Parks


One loud bang followed another. I have heard that before so did not think much of it. Movement flashed towrds the big window in front. It was a deer sporting a nice set of antlers closely followed by its friend also supplied with antlers. They seemed to be racing right to the house and the window, but veered off and cut around the corner when a third dashed past as well. Lucky me I got to see them in two windows. Just as I was ready to run to the back to watch I saw a fourth deer with small antlers charging out of the park, across the street, toward the house, and around the corner. Looking out the back revealed that they were dashing over the choppy ground of the empty bean field before they slipped between houses on the other side. I thought the noise had come from the back, but perhaps I was mistaken. Surely those deer know what they are doing.

It was a bit warmer this afternoon. I hung out clothes and then Leroy and I took a walk in the park. It seemed the park was teaming with people. Frisbee golf players were out working their way round the course. Some thought it warm enough at 40 degrees to just wear a t-shirt with no jacket. Bang, clang told the listeners that the skateboarders were practicing their skills. Dogs might have outnumbered people as some walkers had two dogs and only one human. There were a few others who, like us, were just walking.

Leroy did not feel so very well so he made just a short circuit. He also did not go to the dentist this morning. He was coughing and sneezing some so it did not seem prudent to have someone look very much in his mouth. This dentist recommends that I have a crown replaced because the bone under it is wearing away.

Just a progress report, I have managed to eliminate one old not well liked sweater from my collection.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My Style

My Style
December 8, 2010


Leroy stayed home today, coughed, sneezed some, blew his nose, snuffed his nose, read some, and slept some. I am ready for him to be well tomorrow. Last night he was noisy so he rolled over, but then in a bit he started to whistle through his nose or mouth. I simply gave up and went to the spare bed with gratitude for that alternative possibility. We are blessed to have more than we need.

I am pleased with myself as I figured out how to dim the light in the bedroom. It is with a fan. There is a switch on the wall as well as a remote. The dimmer possibility is on the remote. It is not so easy to do it because the button is small or my fingers are large. All with the same switch you can dim, brighten, and turn on/off.

I think the pictures that I posted yesterday do lie. I have more gray hair than it would appear and my hair is thinner. Also it took three shots before we could get a good one of Leroy, Sophia, and I. Three people, three tries, perhaps that makes sense.

Today I got a flu shot so now I should be well for the rest of the winter, right? We are fortunate that our insurance pays for it. The pharmacist wanted to know if I were on Medicare. Do I really look that old? But then I am not sure when I could sign up for that. I am 62 almost 63 is that close enough?

I am working on a Christmas letter that is not materializing. It was easier when the family was bigger with more possibilities of things that happened around here. Now it is just two of us and only one of us is interesting in any one day.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Out and About


The mechanic called this afternoon to let us know that the car was ready. When Leroy got home from the funeral we went to get it. By the way Leroy was quite concerned about the cemetery part of the service since this woman had been in the WAVES and there is a military piece outside. Surprise, surprise, the veterans no longer do anything outside when it is cold. So Leroy did not have to worry and he could speed along with what he had to say when in the cool air.

“Do you want to shop,” Leroy asked, “after you pick up the car since you will be in the area of some store?”

“Oh shopping takes too much energy,” I said, “I need to go in the morning when I am fresh and better able to handle it.”

But then I decided I would do some as I wanted to get my welcome flowers at Hy-Vee since the temperature had raised a few degrees and the morning might again be cool and kill the flowers before I got them in the warm car. Since I was doing that stop I might as well do three more. Then three turned into another quick stop. The car started every time. Does that mean it is fixed? Who knows?

All in all I did quite well. Without feeling too tired I even got a new sweater, but sadly no boots. The store had some Keen’s that I thought would be great, but it was too tight on my left foot. That is sad since I do like walking in my Keen sandals. I even walked in them this morning wearing thick wool socks. The temperature on our thermometer in the back was zero and in the front ten degrees. So it was somewhere in that territory. I have to admit that my feet were a little cold by the time I got home. I might have to get out the Sorrels, but they are not the best walking boot, however they are warm, dry, and they fit me.

I learned today that I have a rather high arch and that is what makes it difficult for me to slip my foot into a high top boot that does not have a zipper or other expansion of the opening. I had always thought it was because my foot is so big. All the time there are new things to learn.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Using the phone


Those of you who have been around me a long time know that I do not easily pick up the phone and call someone. Now once I am on the phone I can be hard to get rid of. Perhaps it is such relief that a connection is made.

Today I made a couple difficult calls. It is probably not a big deal to most of you, but to me a chore. We had an insurance agent call giving us comparative estimates for our auto insurance and renters insurance. They came out $50 cheaper per year then our current company. Not a lot of money saved, but still… I did not feel right about just leaving the company without giving them a chance to state their position. We have been with them for a long time, but Leroy did not want to call. I finally I just told myself to do it and it was indeed not painful. We are going to get hard copies from the other company and go talk to our current agent to make a comparison.

A call that was not so hard to make, but I still dislike doing it was to get reservations for the play that is coming up. I would have liked to have gotten seats and a night when we got the season tickets. On the other hand it is nice that we can pick which of the seven days we would like to go as there could be a conflict with some of them and we do not know it so far ahead.

Then the really hard call is that I need to make an appointment to get a haircut. I picked out the free cut that has an expiration date on it. After a lot of searching and some help from Leroy I finally found the street on the map so I can get there. It is even closer than I expected. Now Leroy has a funeral tomorrow and an emergency at the hospital tonight so I will wait until we have two cars again. That way I am sure of transportation. The mechanic called today saying that there was something else in the clutch that is also a part of this problem. It is only another $14 and will be ready tomorrow if the part comes in. That is quicker than expected. Earlier he had talked about Thursday being the day.


Sunday, December 5, 2010



Yeah! We got our money back from the cancelled airplane tickets. I switched our credit card billing to paperless. But I had not checked it when it came last time since I was not able to spend time looking for errors. Since it is in my email box I forgot to go look at it even though we did pay it. Now when I did finally look the return of that money was the first thing I saw. While I did not think of it every day when I did think of it I was a bit distressed as it had not shown up on the bill yet. Would you believe that we even saved $20 on the new tickets? The only problem is that with the first airline we could have checked in bags free since I have so many miles with them.

When we were at Brian’s I said to Jen, “I do not want to insult you, but I wondered if I could take this poor plant home to possibly revive it?”

Jen had commented earlier about its condition so I thought it might be ok. She did not say that it was a problem and gave it to me. I would not say the plant has sprung back to glory, but it looks alive and as if it might make it for some more days. I talk to it, trim off the dead leaves, put it in a spot that is light but not direct sunlight, and water it when it is droopy.

This has been a busy weekend. There is a big choir concert in this church. I ushered for them last night and again pre-concert this afternoon. Leroy attended both full concerts as he was required to be up front and welcome people.

I am not sure how it happened, but I am on two committees in this church. This is a rare occurrence for me. One committee seems to have been my limit in the past. The library committee and the inter-generation, or whatever it is called are now my committees or responsibility. Since Leroy has been doing interims I mostly have not gotten involved in anything right away. I was asked to help and the next thing I know I am locked into doing real work. That is okay as long as they know I will soon float out the door.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Call Us Chickens


Leroy and I started out on a drive to meet some friends about an hour and a half drive to the north. One of them called to tell us that they were not coming because it was already snowing in their home to the northwest. After consulting with the other couple who were coming from the east to learn that they were just ten minutes from the destination and seeing snow in the air, we decided to turn around with a minimum of discussion. Leroy said, “My choice is not to go.”

“I agree,” I said without telling him that I had had trouble getting to sleep last night thinking about the trip with dread. If we had been half way there we probably would have carried on, but it was easy to stay home when home was just five miles away. The couple who proceeded to the end was originally from Texas. They beat us northerners to the finish line in a big way. I just hope they had an uneventful trip home at 10:00 pm when there was surely more snow on the ground.

Leroy as it turned out was not feeling so very well so he was not so interested in going on. Also he tells me that since his car trip when he slipped on the ice and hit a bridge he is much more cautious than he used to be.

After we had been home a while, I wondered if we were being much too hesitant as there was no snow here. At any rate we had a nice supper of waffles, pear sauce, molasses, and or honey. On the side, just to get some vegetables into the mix, we had a salad of the only raw things available: radishes, tomatoes, and alfalfa sprouts.

Should we have returned or gone on? That is one thing about prevention you seldom know if it is foolish or prudent. If the outcome is good we can say it works.


Friday, December 3, 2010

That Car Again


Leroy went out to start the car preparatory (Grateful for proper spelling in my Misspeller’s Dictionary.) to taking it to the shop to get the malfunctioning windows fixed. That darn or good car started on the first try. So no jumping or groaning was necessary.

At the shop Leroy also told them about the starter problem only to have them tell him that it needed to be malfunctioning when they checked it. Leroy then went on to give them the history and information that we/he had gleaned from the Internet. Later the mechanic called to tell us that he had also found the statement that if it will not start intermittently and it was the original starter the switch needed to be replaced. We will get that done for less than $300, but I am in agreement that it is a manufacture’s problem and they should stand behind their product. After all, this car was from an American company. Supposedly that is how business here operates. I do not believe that I think there are the same people all over the world so some do and some don’t anywhere.

It will be a blessing to not worry about the car starting especially when it is cold and inconvenient in other ways. As far as I can tell it is never really convenient for it not to start because the only time I try to turn it on I want the car to move. Isn’t that the purpose of a car? By the way the window problem was a broken wire.

It is also a blessing to have two cars even though we do not need them in this place.

Garbage needed to be buried. “If the ground is not frozen,” Leroy said, “I will do it after we eat.”

“The ground frozen?” I asked, “It can’t be yet. You are just too much trying to get out of a job.”

Then I proceeded to go and guess what? The top inch or so was frozen. By pushing forcefully, I could still bury our small amount of peelings.

Then later I realized we needed a new check register. “I have been waiting for the new checks to come so we can use that.” Leroy said.

“Oh there are more downstairs,” I emphatically stated.

Well again Leroy was right. I think that might even become a habit. He is right and I am wrong. How could that happen?


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Car Tales


Yesterday I drove that intermittently not starting car all over shopping with many starts. Last night Leroy complained that I had parked over to close to the other car in the garage. Even though I insisted I could not have done that I went out to move it. It was indeed very close to the other car making it difficult to even get in. only it did not start. True to form all the lights come on, but no engine turning over. This afternoon I tried again and same story.

A friend suggested that I Google it to learn if others have had a similar problem. It is indeed the case. We have been fortunate that it has never been a huge deal that it would not start. Some even felt it should have been a recall, but it did not happen. We can replace the starter, but it might not present a fix. Tomorrow we are to take it to have the window problem solved. I wonder if it will start in the morning or will it have to be towed. Maybe there will be a solution if it reacts when he is looking at it.

This morning I played the organ some. It is a wonderful instrument unfortunately I am rusty with disuse, but it was still play for me. I will have to practice so I can feel more comfortable with it. It is sometimes hard for me to figure out what stops I like. I usually know what combinations I do not like, but cannot always get a feel for the best use of them. The tone is lively in this large solid surface room.

There was some talk that I might play for the Christmas Eve service, but the choir is also going to sing and I have so seldom accompanied that I really do not want to do it. I am hoping that someone else can do the choir bit and I could do the rest. One of the best things is that there is no new liturgy to learn just old familiar hymns. Who knows? I might even find that to be fun.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010



In the morning there was brain engaging and thought provoking bible study. Some disagreements were even aired and discussed. We certainly all can see the same words in a different way.

Next on my agenda was luncheon with one of the circle groups. The other group also had a lunch at the same time. I am sticking with my plan to alternate. As one woman today pointed out she looked forward to the time to spend talking with me, but we will not be at the same group event until March since neither of these groups meet in January and in February I will be going to the other group meeting. That certainly means that I do not get to know people very well. After this lengthy luncheon it was on to shopping.

I am not the world’s most enthusiastic shopper. I do what I have to do. Besides today was senior day at three stores and much to my surprise I fit solidly into that category. It seemed prudent to take advantage of some of those shopping lures.

We only had two candles in our advent wreath. Those candles had come from IKEA and they perfectly fit the holes. Unfortunately I am not close to an IKEA store. I was able to find replacements and pack the holes to stop the wobbling of smaller bases on the candles.

One of the stores rewarded me for having a birthday this month so of course I must buy something there. I even found a small Christmas gift for Leroy that I am sure he will like.

Another store sent me coupons on line that were for 15% or 20% off of merchandise. For some reason it printed off a sheet of four and I only needed one for all of my purchase. I gave them to the next two people in line behind me and wished them a Merry Christmas. It is easy to give away something the costs me nothing, but I still felt good about it.

I got my free ice cream for being new in town, read the ingredients label before eating and vowed not to buy it for a long time to come. My plain yogurt is so much better for me and I like it much more as it does not leave a taste in my mouth. Is it some of those artificial ingredients causing that? There was a time in our lives when we had not eaten “store” bread for almost a year, when we did again have some, both of us commented on the sharp taste in it. Someone suggested that it was the preservatives.
