Sunday, September 30, 2018

Picking Apples


Because she has apple trees too, I called the woman who let us pick the extra pears. Even though I had asked about picking apples, she came into the library on Saturday and brought me a bag claiming, “They were not very good and quite small. I have not done much with them this year.”

They were not grocery store perfect, but the one on our oatmeal tasted just fine. Organic is a good thing for us. I have made apple sauce from these apples in the past. Leroy and I talked about getting some more for apple sauce. Today I called again and we went. Even though Leroy did not feel so very good and peppy, he managed to hang in there and get all of the apples that he could reach with her apple picker. I picked the low ones that I could reach. We managed to harvest about two five gallon buckets worth. I am pleased. Leroy is pleased. I am not sure that I will get any sauce made before Wednesday when I have the day off, giving me time to work on them. Tomorrow I might go out to the garage and sort them into two piles: one that has worms and one that does not. I will tackle the worm pile first so I can get them out of here. Lurking worms do not appeal to us.

Both of us commented on how nice it was to be out in the country. We both spent formative years in that setting and miss it from time to time. Now if I could just figure out how to have everything in my life it would be to have the country and the city advantages in one place. At the moment, I do not think that is possible. I am certainly not a big city person. But I am not sure that I could now live out in the country either.

Glad that the apples give us an excuse to get out in that wonderful crisp clean air and spend time away from buildings and concrete.


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