Saturday, April 25, 2015



We have had some much needed rain in the last two or three days. The wind made it all quite exciting at times. It is colder than I like, but we can manage after all, it is not below zero. I even went out and weeded after the rain quit. It is so nice to get those unwanted plants out of the ground when it is wet. Most of the roots went with the rest of the plant and I believe that means I will not have to repeat the process so soon. I am satisfied!  I am also pleased that the tulips which I “rescued” from the church after last Easter have gown and are spreading around beauty. What a nice gift to the neighborhood.

I have a Christmas cactus, cyclamen, bromeliad that I got from my sister’s house. At the moment it would appear that all of these plants are adjusting to their new home. I also brought home four amaryllis and they too seem to have settled in without complaint, although I put them outside and it has been rather cool.

Tomorrow the Ely church is having a dedication of their building expansion. The church added on when Leroy was there and now the new addition will dwarf the old. It is amazing that we have come back to this area where we spent more time than any other in our marriage. We are going to spend a good bit of time in Ely for the festivities. Seeing old friends will be a wonderful thing. It will be fun to see what it looks like inside the building. It was a large addition. The town of Ely is growing and that helps for growth in other areas. The library would also like to expand, but we are land locked. I suspect some option will come to mind as a way to do it in the near future. Growth is both exciting and challenging. Me, I just float along with what happens next since I am not in charge.


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